Friday, February 26, 2010


Grandpa (from Gator)!!! Happy Birthday to my Dad. Today he turns...51. We love him so much. Here is a message from your grandson Gator (yes that is what my dad calls him)
He was cheesing it up for the camera this morning.

The pictures seem similar but they are different smiles...

Hope you have a great day Dad. We love you.

Yesterday was the start to Doug's first tournament. We took this picture for him yesterday and sent it to him.

His outfit says "Daddy's Allstar, property of Mommy" We attempted going to one of the games. When we got there it was so windy we didnt stay long. I have found out that my lil boy does not like his carseat OR riding in a car. He cried (screamed) all the way home as I was crying too because it broke my heart. I was singing and holding my hand in the back to try and console him. Needless to say it was not fun...hopefully it will get better. We didnt make it to the games today but are going to try and get out tomorrow if the weather is nice. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No reason post

other than to show more pics of my baby boy.
I was trying to take some cute photos of him in his crib...he wasnt really cooperating. haha! Now why would I think a 5 week old would be still for me to snap a picture. he is still precious though.

this picture is just to show how long he is. I think he will be a big boy! He is a lean, long, lil boy.

Chance is chilling in the big boy recliner and yesterday it started was so pretty but didnt stay on the ground long.

Not my best picture but this is us today at Chickfila. I met my friend Robyn and her lil boy for lunch today and she took this photo. I forgot my camera was zoomed in... After lunch I ran to target and got Chance like 5 new outfits. He is so long he is outgrowing a lot of his 0-3 month clothes.

Tomorrow starts the first baseball tournament. Hopefully its pretty weather and we can go watch a game. :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Birth Announcement

I was really happy how the birth announcements turned out. If I had the money I would send one out each month! ha!

Chance now weighs 11 pounds and is 22 inches long. Some of his 0-3 month clothes are so short they look like jorts (jeans and shorts, ha) he is growing so fast! Yesterday I had to snap this pic really quickly, I was talking to him as we were in the car on the way home from Brownwood and he kept smiling at me. This face just melts my heart.taking his morning nap.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Busy Weekend...and my baby boy is 5 weeks old

My baby boy is 5 weeks old today. Look how precious he is. :) We have had a busy weekend. Friday he had a visit from Anna his physical therapist. She is sooo good with him. She comes back this next Friday for another session. He is getting so much better with his neck until this weekend I noticed he didnt want to turn to the left at all and favored his right side so much. We will have to do a lot of exercises this week to work out that neck. Bless his lil heart. Saturday my mom, dad and sister came down. My sister had to go try on a bridesmaid dress for a wedding she is in this summer so we ran some errands and got a pedicure. My dad spent the day with Doug. Basically they were at the baseball field most of the day. ha! Today has been even more busy. I got a call from my friend Amanda early this morning, scared me to death, she was having pains down her legs and needed a ride to the ER. Once we got her home Doug, Chance and I drove to Brownwood to have lunch with my Pops (my grandpa and Chance's great grandpa). My granddad has been dying to meet his great grandson. Pics of the two of them are below. We had a nice visit and now we are home. It is such a pretty day we may go for a walk but we are all exhausted.

so sweet
This is so funny. Stella loves Chance and Chance is holding onto her hair
I guess Stella likes it...haha

Chance loved Pops.
I adore this man so much. He means the world to me and this picture is so special.

Isnt he so wonderful!

Rob, mom and I about to go run some errands.

My lil man getting a bath

Hurry up mom I am getting tired... :)

We went and meet Doug after his scrimmage Friday to go pick up some Chipotle for dinner. We thought Chance looked like a lil gangster with his hoody. But his outfit sure was cute. It says "Mommy's little Allstar" love him

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

1 month old & new blog design

Today my baby boy is 1 month old. Boy has this month flown by. He is getting a little personality and I love it. I gave him a new pacifier today and he must not like it because he will stick his tongue out and just hold it there so I cant get the paci in his mouth. It is quite funny. I mailed baby announcements out today. They turned out so stinkin cute. I ordered them from I will post a pic of the announcement maybe tomorrow. Chance has his 1 month old dr. appt tomorrow morning at 7:45. will be an early morning. Then again I am up anyway. Last night was a rough night...he was basically wide awake off and on from 1 am to 4 am. I finally laid him in bed with me about 6:45 and he slept til 8:15. :) He definately loves to cuddle with his mommy. Look at his mohawk. He is losing his hair on the sides but its thick as can be on the top. Doesnt he look like a lil man in this picture! Tummy Time. He is looking at me like get me off this floor please. He is not a fan of tummy time. Partly due to his neck (tortecollis). His physical therapist comes Friday to work with him again. It is getting better though.
Not sure I like my new blog design. I have been looking at all the free background websites. It might change again this weekend or whenever I find time to work on it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Weekend Recap

We didnt have a very eventful weekend, but we enjoyed just being home with our lil boy. Here are a few pics...I didnt know where Doug and Chance had gone the other night...this is what they were up too! Doug was having a baseball photo shoot with our 4 week old lil boy. Yes, he is already holding on tight to a baseball bat.Just chillin on his Daddy

Ready to go on our first walk. It was so pretty today and as soon as we rounded the block the cold front hit and we ran home. It was crazy. Chance was like what is going on!

love him love him love him ----he is 4 weeks old today! he is growing up way to fast
Doug got me a massage today for was so relaxing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gloomy Thursday

Today the weather is yucky. I have been waiting for it to get nice so I can take Chance out for a lil walk. If it is going to be bad weather I wish it were snowing. Chance and I have had a lazy day. I havent felt very good so we are in our sweats resting. I did get up and take a shower and gave my lil man a bath and dressed him in this sweater my mom gave him to take a few pics.
Sweet lil boy fell asleep...he was like MOM no more pics!
I had to post this picture, is it not the sweetest thing you have ever seen. I told Doug I could eat him up! This was Chance last night after his daddy swaddled him and laid him on his boppy. He slept for 4 hours - then was up all night! yikes! I did get a nap in while he slept. Nothing like NAPS at 10 at night. haha

here is lil man yesterday morning ready to go. (his outfit says "cute thanks to mom and dad") Doug and I had to go get whooping cough shots...supposedly there is a huge break out of this here in this area! Now today my arm is so sore from the shot. I was so nervous I made Doug hold my hand then I started thinking...if I can be in labor for 17 hours and push for 4 and delivery almost a 9 pound baby I can handle a lil shot. :)

Better run...speaking of running...I cannot wait to start working out again!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby Boy update and pics...

He is saying "mom really, more pictures?"
I absolutely love this sweet face!

Stella LOVES him. I am so glad too. I was a lil worried. She runs to him when he cries and loves laying by him. Not sure what Chance thinks of her just yet, but I hope they will be good friends/siblings. :)

Yes, look at that HAIR!

I am just now getting around to being able to sit at the computer. Chance loves to be held so he is in my lap as I type sleeping. He is such a sweet lil boy and I am enjoying every second at home with him. Even though I am sleep deprived and I have been sick this week. Sunday night I started running high fever and ached all over. Doug had to take off work on Monday to take care of me and Chance. If it wasnt for my husband I honestly dont know how I would have made it to Chance's dr appt. Monday morning or made it through the day I felt so bad. I am feeling much better today. The dr. thinks it was a breast infection. As much trouble as I have had breastfeeding and then to have an infection just really put the icing on the cake.

At Chance's dr. appt we found out he has torticellus (i misspelled it). What it means is that he favors turning his head to one side more than the other due to a pinched type nerve. My sister had this when she was little too. The cause is the position that he was in in my belly. To correct this we have to get him into some physical therapy. We are using this program here in Austin called Early Childhood Intervention where they come to your house and work with you to work with your baby. Well the lady was suppose to come today at 2 and she calls at 2:15 and says she was feeling under the weather and wasnt going to make it. just now feel under the weather now that you are 15 min. late to an appt. Does this woman not know how hard it is to get ready around here and then for her not to come, ugh. I am a bit annoyed. Anyways, I pray that our lil boy gets better with physical therapy. The dr. showed us a few things we can do with him and so we work on it during our tummy time. He doesnt like it so much. poor thing. :(

I better post some pics before my lil gator bug wakes up. Oh my mom and dad came down last night after school. My dad was dying to see his GATOR. It was so nice seeing them. I was able to run to Target and get a few things. Have a good one!