Friday, April 30, 2010

Sleeping Baby

As Chance is sleeping I wanted to post a few pics of him I have taken this week. It has been a very busy, long, tiring week. With TAKS under my belt now I can breathe and now that we SOLD our house we can start looking for a place in Seguin. I also found out today that I will be teaching 8th grade Algebra I next year at this brand new middle school and the other bonus is the school is about 200 yards from the house mom and dad just bought! So I will be able to go see Chance during lunch as he will be staying with his grandma! :) God is soo good. Tonight was Doug's last baseball game here at Connally. These were taken after the game. Excuse my awful hair!
this is BJ, Stephanie and Ethen...we will miss them so much when we move

Have a good weekend!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Friends and Babies

My friend Robyn who is due with her 2nd baby, Quinn Marie, next Tuesday sent me a picture from her baby shower a few weeks ago. In the picture is my other friend Kate and her lil girl Lyla Grace. Chance is also in the picture. These two girls are two of my very best friends. We have so much fun together and when I move I will miss being able to see them for lunch and dinner when we want. We will have to plan more for our visits. But that's ok. True friends are hard to find. K and R thank you for your listening ear, support, encouraging words, lunches, dinners, coffee, making me laugh and being such wonderful Godly friends. I cannot wait to meet Miss Quinn next week!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunny Sunday

We decided to go for a walk this afternoon. It is such a beautiful day.Chance did so much better today in his stroller. I know he isnt big enough to be facing the front...yah yah...but that is the only way he will ride and we have to get out sometime. :) He is strapped in tight and I wasnt running we were just walking. :)

You can see our beautiful potted flowers my mom planted for us yesterday afternoon. We had some people come look at our house last night...but No Luck...please keep praying that a buyer will come along soon.

Here are some pics of Chance having some tummy time. Please excuse the drool...

Look at those strong legs!
The other night he rolled over...ROLLED OVER...from his stomach to his back...TWICE! We got it on video and will post it soon. He is growing up way too fast!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Big News

Today was the day Doug and I broke the news to our friends, co-workers, administrators etc. that we are moving. It was an emotional day because I love the people I work with and my principal, Mr. Garcia, is the best principal anyone could ask for. He has been so good to Doug and I over the last 4 years. He called us in his office this afternoon and we broke the news (well he kind of already knew) that we were moving to Seguin. Doug is going to be coaching with my dad now and my mom is going to keep Chance next year as she is retiring. We are so excited and sad at the same time. Mr. Garcia and I cried as we told each other how special each other was to the other and he told Doug how proud he was of him and all he has done for Connally baseball. He was extremely supportive and told us that if we ever needed a job he would hire us in a heartbeat again and that the people who come and take our places will have a huge role to fill. Of course I cried all the more... he has always had my back in everything and he knows the importance of family. Needless to say we have made good friends that will forever be friends here.
Now to the one thing that is keeping us here at the time is our HOUSE SELLING. I blogged last week that we need your prayers. It's a long story but the market right now for sellers is not good. We are so stressed about it. Pray that God has a hand in this and everything will work out. We have to thank him each day for the blessing he has brought us with being able to go and be close to family and Doug getting to coach with my dad and my mom being able to keep Chance next year when I am at work is so wonderful.

Oh Happy Day...

Today is Friday and I get to spend the whole weekend with my lil man. My mom came early this morning to keep him today. She needed a "Chance" fix. I left this morning with a sense of peace knowing she has him today. I called her at lunch asking how he was doing and she said "he does not like to take a nap" NOPE...he is a sleep fighter!! Anyhow I am at school wishing for 4:15 to get here so I can go home. I was going thru my cell phone pictures needing to erase some so I can take new ones and came across these that I think are so cute and wanted to post. The quality is not great but you can still see his sweet face.

I think in every one of these pictures he looks a lil different. He is so funny with his expressions. I love him so much.

Hope everyone has a Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Me and the Munchkin

Doug and I had to take half days today, Doug in the morning and me in the afternoon to stay home with the lil man. He has an eye infection (has had this goopy eye since birth but has gotten worse this last week). The dr prescibed some drops but he couldnt go to the sitter for 24 hours. Do you think I minded staying home with this lil guy!!?? No way! We enjoyed our day so much. I met Doug for lunch at Jason's Deli and we had a great day. Chance and I took a 3 hr nap...well Chance did I snoozed off and on. This was Chance when he woke up

He was all SMILES...

Then he went to sleep again.

These are a couple of pics that were on my phone from this past weekend and a few weeks back.

Tomorrow is Wednesday and then Thursday and then Friday when I get to be with my lil munchkin all weekend!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

3 months

He is saying "I'm 3 months old!"
I love love love this picture. Chance gets in bed with us in the mornings and this morning he did not want to wake up he was so comfy. Doesnt he look so sweet...

He has the cutest smile

Chance turned 3 months old today. We are pretty sure he weighs around 15 lbs. He doesnt go back to the doctor til next month. Chance is...

wearing 3-6 month clothes
eating 4 ounces every 3 hours
extremely hot natured (the boy hates being hot!)
suck on your hands when you are tired
getting better riding in the car (the last few days he falls asleep when we start driving somewhere) This makes mommy so happy...the car rides are so much more peaceful
you have a head full of hair (doesnt look like it is going to lighten up either)
you love love your baths
you smile and coo at whoever is talking to you (well most everyone...)
you are sleeping better at night - at 12 weeks you slept 7 hours straight and I woke up in a panic to make sure you were alright.
you are still being swaddled at night so that you sleep better and you still sleep in mommy and daddy's room. mommy isnt ready for you to be in your room just yet. :)
you love being outside
you like to watch cartoons in the morning while mommy and daddy are getting ready for school
I would say at 3 months you are perfect in everyway and we love you more and more everyday.

Monday, April 12, 2010


If you read our blog would you please pray for us. I cant blog about it right now but I have some stresses in my life that I need your prayers. I have given them to the Lord and am praying that everything works out the way it is suppose too. But it never hurts to have your friends praying too. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

One happy lil boy

We put Chance in his bumbo tonight and he loves it now that he has control of his head. He is also in love with his hands and fingers right now. I have figured out though that he only puts them in his mouth when he is really tired. After this video I fed him and rocked him sound asleep. Tomorrow he will be 12 weeks old. Time is going by too fast. However, I am ready for school to be out! ha!

Now that I figured out how to post a video thanks to my husband I will try and post more. Doug and I keep making fun of each other though on how we sound on the camera. Oh well. Chance thinks we are funny. Guess that is all that matters, right?

Tomorrow is my good friend Robyn's baby shower. Her baby is due May 4th, she is having a lil girl named Quinn Marie. Chance will have a lil girlfriend now. However, he has one at Miss Magna's (his sitter). Her name is Lillian and she is 8 weeks old. Miss Magna told me one day when I picked up Chance this week that Lillian cooed at Chance and he cooed back with a huge smile. Already flirting...

After the baby shower tomorrow we have a 1 year old's birthday party to go to. A full day!

I will try and post some recent pics of Chance tomorrow. That is if I have time. I had to buy a new memory card for our camera today so I can take more pics. Our other one is full, now why would it be full!? haha.


Sunday, April 4, 2010


My babies...

Stella posing for a snapshot. Bless her heart. She loves Chance but sure does miss all the attention being on her. :(
Chance is 11 weeks old today. He is getting a lil personality and changing everyday. We love you so much baby boy. Doug keeps talking to him about next year at Easter. Telling him about hunting eggs and about the meaning of Easter, its not just about the candy and Easter bunny. Speaking of candy...can someone come please take these mini cadbury eggs from me! They are not helping me get to my goal weight!
TAKE THEM AWAY! I have no control! ha
We have had a busy weekend. Good but busy. Here are some pictures of Chance, the baseball game and random around the house pics.
Chance talking to the team with Daddy after the gameOK, so we think this picture is soooo sweet. We had a long day Saturday and when we got home it was bath time. HE love his baths however he loved this one so much he fell asleep. He was plum wore out. He got some really good sleep and this was him in the morning...

Have a Happy Easter everyone!