Monday, June 28, 2010

Anniversary/Weddings/Family Time

This weekend was filled with lots of traveling and good ole family time!  Last Thursday Doug and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary and we went to dinner at Outback while Chance stayed with my mom, dad and sister.  We had a very nice time.  Doug got me the most beautiful roses.  3 red, 3 pink and 3 yellow.  All my fav's!

This was us before our night out!

Doug had a baseball tournament in Temple all weekend so he wasnt able to go to the wedding with us on Saturday.  I was trying to break up the traveling for Chance so we went and stayed the night with Doug Friday night and then Chance and I got up Saturday and headed for Santa Anna.  Here are a few pics of Chance at the hotel.

"What's that you say mom? We are staying in a hotel!"

With Uncle Dragon at Pop's house before the wedding. 
Here with his Pop's (great grandpa)
Mom and Dad at wedding
This is Chance with Pop's sister's.  Louis and Mary Jo - Chance loved them!
Rob and Kyle
Kyle and Dale (Dale was excited about throwing bird seed)

We got back really late Saturday night and on Sunday we went to my parents and I cooked a Chocolate Chip pound cake.  Delicious!
We grilled hamburgers, swam and laid around
While I was doing this blog which took 2 days to complete (long story) this is what Daddy and Chance were doing

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I am so behind on blogging. You would think since it is summer I would have all the time in the world to sit down and blog. I think about it but then time gets away from me. Chance is sleeping so I figured what better time than now.

Chance turned 5 months on June 17th
Chance this is what you are up to these days...

You can sit up all on your own. You love playing so much more now. However it is so hard to get you to lay down to take a lil nap now that you are getting more attentive and mobile.

You can sit up in the crawling position. You are such a strong lil boy.
You love the pool. Well...sometimes. You like to be held so you can splash the water in your face. ha! Your grandma has bought you many pool floaties but you would rather be held to play in the water.
You are sleeping better at night. Still waking up at least once! Maybe one day you will sleep through the night! :)

You ride so much better in the car now. You will fall asleep on your own even on lil short trips. It is so nice and peaceful.

You are eating rice cereal and a veggie once everyday. Unless we get too busy.

You have started to notice Stella (your lil doggie sister) more. You will watch her run around and sometimes keeps you from eating you get so distracted.

You are losing your hair - well you were - but I think it is all coming back.

You smile and laugh and talk to us a lot. We love it! There are times in the wee hours of the morning (3 am) you will wake up talking and smiling. It is so cute and your Daddy and I just laugh. So sweet.

You are a snacker. You like about 2-3 oz every 2 hours instead of taking 4-5 oz at a time. Makes for a lot of bottle making.

Your mommy finally stopped pumping (its been such a struggle for mommy the whole time and after infection after infection your mommy decided it was time to stop) Sorry lil man...I know you loved the milk. But your mommy pumped for almost 6 months!

This is Chance and I before we went shopping with Grandma and Aunt Robin yesterday. We have a wedding to go to this weekend so I needed something new to wear! ha!
Today Doug and I have been married 4 years!! Happy Anniversary Doug! I love you! Tonight we are going to dinner and Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Robin are keeping C!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Hello Friends! I am so sorry I have been MIA - we have been without internet for 2 weeks and we are suppose to have it set up at our new house tomorrow! Thank goodness! I am at my parents tonight. Doug is out of town (he coaches a summer league baseball team) so Chance and I are staying at my mom and dad's. (because I am such a chicken when it comes to staying at home alone). We have moved - not settled in yet. I keep thinking the boxes will open themselves up and the things inside will just hop into place in our new house. But nope they just keep staring me in the face and so has Doug, haha. He asks when I will unpack. Honestly, I just have no desire. Tonight mom and dad helped me paint Chance's room. It is so cute. Pictures to come soon. Doug has done most of everything. He has been so great! He basically packed our old house and moved everything and has basically done all the unpacking too. Oops. :(

Chance turned 5 months old yesterday. HE is growing up so fast. I dont have my cords to my camera here so I will have to update later with more pics but I have some from my cell phone. I am so tired or I would do a 5 month old update - I will later for sure but right now my eyes are about to close. I dont want to leave anything out. Until my next post (hopefully tomorrow night when we have internet at our house -that's a story in itself) here are some recent photos.

I love this picture. On Wed. Chance and I went over to my friend Kate's house for a play date with some of our friends. We had so much fun. Chance loved this swing so much he fell sound asleep. I was just pushing him and Jen goes "Raina he is asleep" I was like NO WAY. He doesnt go to sleep very well is why I was so shocked. But he slept for almost 45 min. like this. Check out his arm thru the leg hole! :)Check my lil man out! He is sitting up all by himself. He started doing this I guess last week. Playing is whole different story now that he can sit up by himself. He is so big! These were from tonight before bed.

Goodnight! Be back soon...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Busy Busy Busy - LOTS to catch up on!

We are super busy right now. Finishing up school, moving my parents, packing up our house here, we move next week, closing on our house here, packing up our classrooms, canceling bills, setting up new bills, etc. You name it we are in the process of doing it. Trying to pack up a house with a 4 month old isnt easy either. We try to pack boxes when Chance is sleeping...but he rarely sleeps and when he does its not for very long. Lots of new things going on too...we finally started putting Chance in his own room, his own crib last Thurs. I would say the first few nights were ok but now he has started getting up every 2-3 hours again wanting to only eat about 2 oz and then he will sleep for a lil bit and wake up again. Needless to say we are exhausted. Chance also went swimming for the first time this last weekend. He loved it! (My parents bought a house with a pool - we will be spending lots of time there this summer)
This was us at the baseball sports banquet a couple of weeks ago.
"What's that you say Mommy? I am getting rice cereal for dinner, yippee!"

"I'm not to sure about this"
"Dad this is so good!"

He kept leaning over wanting the whole bowl and spoon. Apparently I couldnt feed it to him fast enough. haha. yes, he is in his bumbo because his high chair is packed ready to move. :(
He also kept biting the spoon not wanting to let me have it. very upset that it was gone! Isnt he still so precious.
Swimming with Daddy after a long day of watching everyone unload trailors and uhaul full of boxes at Grandma's and Grandpa's.
Uncle Dragon got in the pool too!
Here are my boys watching TV this afternoon. So so sweet. Love them.

This was us playing while Daddy packed. :)