Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brush Your Teeth cha cha cha...

Yesterday Chance turned 8 months old.  Can you believe he is brushing his own teeth!?  (not really - he is just chewing on it!) 
He has 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom all the way in and one more is working its way through on the bottom.  He has been grinding, biting, chewing making noises from his teeth hurting.  I have been giving him teething tablets and tylonel.  Seems to help a lil. 
He was a happy lil fellow this morning after he ate a big bowl of cereal and fruit!
Chance you are 8 months old and this is what you are
-growing like a weed
-love climbing up on everything (furniture, your toys, end tables, stools, bathtub etc)
-giving you a bath is interesting now a love to stand stand stand!
-you are sleeping a lil better (dont want to jinx anything)  However, your dad has talked to a few older women at work that swear their grandchildren sleep through the night due to lavender smells.  So your daddy made me go and get lavender bubble bath, lavender shampoo - the older woman even brought your daddy a bottle of lavender febreeze!!  I think he is telling people you dont like to sleep. haha!! 
-you have 6 teeth already!
- you like to sleep on your tummy
- you love your Nana (she takes very good care of your while your mommy works!)
-you like playing with and watching Stella and sometimes you get a lil rough with her (you are such a lil boy!)
Mommy's tough guy!

We love you so much Chance and thank God everyday for bringing you into our lives 8 months ago!!

Isnt this picture so cute!  Daddy Time after work one night!

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Adventures

Chance loves to play with things he shouldnt be playing with.  For example, stealing his sister's bone.  He will carry it with him as he crawls across the tile floor. 

He also likes to pull up on this tin.  This tin holds his sister's dog food.  He practices letting go... 

He even tries to climb on top of it!
"Let's try this again"
In our living room you can tell that I have tried to block Chance in however he finds a way through every lil hole.  Here he has made his way passed the TV tray and ottoman to the fireplace. 
"Hi Mommy"
"Mommy let's read this book"
Before a football game.  I love this sweet face.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Chance has been working on standing up all on his own for a week or so now and last night he was like "hey hands!!"  (picture is later in the night when we were putting away laundry and he likes to get in the basket - so the no hands is all the more difficult)  My lil man is growing up...
We have a video of him in the kitchen when I was cooking of him standing up all on his own that I will have to post later.  He is so proud of himself.  He can even clap for a few seconds before he falls.  Such a busy lil boy!!  Love him to pieces!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Are you ready for some football!?

We have been busy with school and going to football games that have been on a Thursday night the last couple of weeks.  Needless to say we have all been busy and tired from late nights.  Chance has been pretty good at the games until about 9:00 when he is ready for bed!  This past week at the game it started pouring rain!  What an adventure with a 7 month old and NO UMBRELLA!  Luckily we all got under a few around us and the rain only lasted about 10 min or so. 
We tried and tried to get Chance to take a good picture for us with his cute lil football shirt on.  NOPE...he wasnt having it
These were the best we could do...lil toot! :)
School has been pretty good.  I really like the people I am working with which makes the transition so much easier!  Thank you Lord! :)  However as soon as that bell rings I hurry to get last min things done and off to pick up my sweet lil boy! 
My house is an absolute mess.  Looks like a tornado came through.  My main focus when we get home in the afternoons is playing with C.  He loves his putter! 
and climbing up on things
wanting to crawl to get my camera and...
Before church one Sunday

This was last night I was trying to get Chance to smile and then Doug started being silly so that is why his mouth is open in this picture! ha!  they were sitting on the diving board at my parents!  My mom and dad made fajitas.  Uncle Dragon was coming home!  :)

We are looking forward to an extra long weekend!!  :)