Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkins, Pizza and Animals

Doug and Chance carved a pumpkin last weekend. Chance didn't like getting his hands all gooey but he loved the ending product!

We have pizza from time to time and Chance loves pizza!!

We went to Cracker Barrel this morning for breakfast and I ran in Target after and found Chance these animals in the dollar section!! He loves them!!
Giving the giraffe his sippy cup!

Lastly pics from before the football game Friday which ended in a very sad loss.
Please excuse the awful yard. When we moved in the yard was awful!! As you can see we haven't had much luck getting it to grow in places! So just look at the cute lil boy!

I am so sad the weekend is over! We had a good day. Played at the park and outside most of the day it's been so pretty. Chance and I also took a nice Sunday nap :)

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Birthday Filled Weekend

My sister's birthday was Friday and my mom's birthday was Saturday so we celebrated a lot with food of course and spending time together. Friday we went and ate at Texas Roadhouse and had cookie cake before the football game. We also won Friday which was an added bonus!

 Chance really is loving football games this year!  I bought him some new Nike shoes...we didnt even make it to the end of the 1st quarter with them on.  Needless to say...they went back to Famous Footwear yesterday.  He may just wear his crocs all winter!

 We went to Red Lobster Saturday night for my mom's birthday.  Let's just say we ate way too much this weekend!  After dinner the girls went to see Footloose and the guy's stayed in to watch the Ranger's play. 

 I love my family!  We have the best time together. 

 Chance love his Poppa and Nana so much!

 My mom and Chance had a lot of good pictures from yesterday so I couldnt decide which one I liked better so I put them all up!

We started our Sunday morning off playing on this new slide...Thank you Nana and Poppa for the new toy!

Have a happy Sunday! 

Monday, October 17, 2011

21 Months

This cutie is 21 months old today.  Hard to believe 21 months ago our life would forever change...the best gift God has given us! 

 This was Chance last October at the pumpkin patch
 21 months ago you were our little glow worm in the hospital. 
Chance this is what you are up to this month...
You are on the GO all the time.  I wish I had an ounce of your energy.  From the moment you wake up you are READY to play!
You are talking more and more. 
You finally fit into your 6/7 size CROCS!! :)  You love them...Mommy has been waiting and waiting for your foot to grow because the 4/5 was way too small but the 6/7 was too big, but now it they fit perfectly! 
You are a little dare climb on everything.  You have absolutely NO FEAR!  Scares me to death.
You LOVE to help around the house.  Vaccum, mow (you could literally push your mower around outside ALL DAY LONG - too bad your little mower doesnt actually cut the grass! ha) I have started letting you help me cook too. 

Brushing your teeth is a daily task...a hard task. 
You say please and thank you pretty good now.  Melts mommy's heart...
You love Friday Night Football.  When we drive by the staduim everyday you yell "ball!!"  Love it!
Happy 21 Months sweet boy!  We love you so very much!! 

 at the football game

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Yesterday Doug and I took Chance to pick out a pumpkin, but Mommy forgot her checkbook and we spent all our cash at the local fair minutes prior to going to the pumpkin we just took a few pictures.  Had we purchased a pumpkin (we will go back this week and get one) this is the one I wanted to get
Doesnt it look so pretty!

 Best picture!  Love this sweet face! 

 "Which one do I want"

We have had a full weekend.  We didnt have school Friday because it was our town's local fair day.  I loved having an extra day to be with Chance and just do a whole lot of nothing.  We went to the football game Friday night and then the after game party was at our house this week.  We had pizza and desserts. 

 "Cheese"  He will smile but he turns his head...too funny!
 This was Chance before the football game.  We have hit a stage where he doesnt want to change his clothes...hence the filthy shirt - but I wasnt in the mood to fight him so we went to the game dirty. :)
Saturday when Doug got off work we went to the fair - they truly rip people off at the fair! - just my opinion - We parked, let Chance ride the ponies and the carousel and we had spent $30 before we knew it.  But Chance had fun and that's what matters.  Then we headed to the pumpkin patch...then to dinner at Logans.  After dinner we took Chance up to the tennis courts to run and play.  Saturday = a fun day as a family!  It is raining and cloudy but I have so much grading to do today...
Have a happy Sunday!!