Monday, October 28, 2013

Trick Or Treating

I have the cutest superman

 This kid makes my heart happy

 Tonight our neighborhood had a special trick or treating for the kids.  They even took them on a hay ride around the neighborhood and dropped them off to go to the houses.
 This little guy and I walked along side the trailer pulling the kids
 He had a blast

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pumpkin Patch 2013

My sister and family came down this weekend.  We went to the football game Friday and then Saturday we took the boys to the pumpkin patch and tried to get some pictures of the boys in their skeleton outfits.  Later in the evening we went to my parents, carved a pumpkin, took more pics of the boys, grilled out and had cake to celebrate my mom and sister's birthday this past week.  Here are a few pictures we took at the pumpkin patch.

We had a great weekend with the family.  I will post pictures of mom and Robin and their cake later - on a different camera.  :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Brooks is 15 weeks old

 Both are in Brooks' crib

 Love this face

I found a picture when Chance was Brooks' age, here it is
They weigh about the same but definitely carry it differently and I think Chance was longer and had a bigger head, haha!

Love my boys to the moon and back.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Life with Two Boys

I feel like I am not doing a good job of documenting things my boys are doing.  Brooks is almost 15 weeks old and growing so fast.  He has the sweetest personality.  He smiles all the time (except around 7-9pm he is a hungry tired little boy).  He loves his brother even though Chance is always in his face, being loud. ha!  Chance really wishes Brooks was old enough to tackle.  Chance also has a sweet personality.  He says some of the funniest things, the sweetest things and sometimes he can be just flat out mean.  I guess that is just part of being a 3 year old boy.
 Chance talks about my grandpa who is with the Lord a lot.  He will ask me "Mommy when is Papa coming down?" "Papa is going to write me a letter and drop it to me from heaven" are a couple of things that he has said.  We cant talk about getting old, using the word "old" because he has associated that word with dying.  Kind of sad I know - he is a smart little boy I must say.  We really have to watch what we talk about around him these days.  I recently taught him my cell phone number.  Never know when he might need to know it and we were talking about numbers and I just had to practice it with him a few times and now he recites it all the time.  He thinks it is his number actually :)  He notices things we as adults take for granted.  He asks "Why?" a lot too.  He is very curious. 
This sweet boy melts my heart.  His eyes are so yummy...not to mention his cheeks.

 Might be one of my favorite pictures of the two of them.  Chance loves all the baby toys.  I laid Brooks on his new play mat and here comes big brother to join. 

 Took these one morning this week as I was getting ready for school the boys were talking to each other
 Milk coma
 He has recently started sucking his hands - full on fist in his mouth really
 Look at those legs...Chance is going to be superman for Halloween and Brooks tried on his cape.

Chance loves to be just like Brooks so we had to buy him some footie pajamas.  :)  Love this kid.

Today is my mother in law's birthday.  Happy Birthday Linda (Granny).

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Child Dedication/Brooks 3 Months

Last Sunday was child dedication at our church.  Here are a few pictures of the boys and us as a family before church
 The boys matched until we got to church and Brooks had a major poop blowout and I had to change him
I started back to work this week so I am trying to blog quickly to spend all the time with the boys
Here are a few 3 month photos I took of Brooks this week