Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wishful Thinking Tuesday

Today I am wishing I was at home with Chance - playing, out on a walk or napping. I miss him so much throughout the day. I had a hard morning dropping him off - here's the thing- I am so thankful that he loves his babysitter, Miss Magna, she is wonderful to him she loves him and I know when I leave he is happy. But this morning when we walked in she was calling his name and he recognized her voice and started looking around for her. Broke my heart - in a good way - in a sad way. All mother's I am sure go through this - having to take their child to someone's house to be cared for while we have to go to work. At this point I had a sense of anxiety, worry that he likes her more than he likes me. Why? Why would I think this!? As a mother you want your baby to love you more than anyone else (I sound so selfish and shouldnt be that way), you want your baby to look around the room for you. As I drive to school with tears down my face I prayed that God would give me peace and to take away this awful thought that I am having a hard time shaking. So during lunch I went and saw my baby boy, he was sleeping but when he heard my voice he woke up and was smiling so big. Right then I knew...he knows who his mommy is. :) Thank you Lord for that moment.

This was one morning last week before we left for school and Miss Magna's. He loves Mickey Mouse and Special Agent OSO. lol

Chance likes sitting up by himself. This pic is of him and his Daddy watching baseball I am sure. However it could have been Dancing with the Stars, yes his Daddy watches Dancing With The Stars. (oops...sorry Doug...) With great saddness his favorite dancer was voted off last week. He would vote for Pamela Anderson every week. So funny.

We have a lot of TV shows we DVR. Does anyone have ATT Uverse. IT's the best!! I sure hope Seguin has it otherwise we/I am in for a rude awakening. I tape so many shows.

Dancing With the Stars
Tori and Dean
One Tree Hill
The Bachlorette - starts in a couple of weeks!! :)

American Idol
Biggest Loser
catch up on Monday's and Tuesday's shows

Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice

Amazing Race -its over now so sad. Doug and I love this show and wish we could go on it!
Minute to Win It -new show -pretty good
Brother's and Sisters - havent watched it in a few weeks but have them all taped
Army Wives - not as into it as I use to be

I dont always watch these when they air but I have a lot taped so I can have something to watch when I am feeding Chance or pumping in the weeeeeeee hours of the night/morning.

I also tape my soap Young and the Restless daily and I love me some Ellen Degeneres (she's a hoot).
I cant wait to go home after school and take Chance for a walk. We got the Baby Bjourn carrier I ordered yesterday!! :)

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