Sunday, July 17, 2011

18 Months Old

This handsome fellow is 18 months old today.  (This is a sneak peek at how cute he was at my sister's wedding this weekend, does he not look like he is going to break a lot of lil girls hearts?) Well lately he has been breaking his momma's heart.  We are going through a tough time with him hitting and pulling hair.  Not everyone...just mommy's hair and hitting mommy's face.  He doesnt do it all the time. However it is something we are trying to stop asap.  At first he thought it was funny.  Now we have started "time-out" and since its a "new" thing for him he actually has been doing things to go to "time-out".  He will act like he is going to hit me or actually do it and then point to his "time-out" spot.  Oh...he is a mess!  I have been really frustrated to say the least with how to handle this.  I am praying it is just a stage toddler's go through.  :(  But when you look at this sweet face you wonder how can this lil guy do such a thing...
 Chance you are also very sweet.  We will tell you "pat mommy" and you will just "pat" my face or hair so gently.  (I blame the hitting on my brother, his uncle dragon - Dale a couple months ago taught Chance to hit his face or shoulder and Dale would fall to the floor and Chance would laugh and laugh...Mommy is not going to do this!!)
Chance you still love everything little boys love.  We spend half the day playing outside in the heat.  Either at Nana and POPaa's (you have started calling your grandpa, my dad, POPaaa and it is so stinkin cute) swimming or out in the backyard mowing with your little mower.  You are now fascinated with bikes.  Your daddy bought a seat for the back of his bike and we will take you riding in the morning or at night and you love it!  You cant say bike but you call it "ca-ca"  (Not sure where he got that!)
You are talking more and more everyday.  Today when I was reading to you before your nap time you said "yellow"  it was so clear too!  Some of your vocabulary consists of:
Lawn Mower
Robin (bobin)
D (dale)
Thank You
And there are others...but I am too tired today! ha!
You also can sign "thank you", "more", and "eat/hungry"
One of your new favorite shows to watch is Blues Clues.  You also watch from time to time the Backyardigans.  Mommy is really glad its something different other than Yo Gabba Gabba. 
You still love for us to read you books.  You can make many animals sounds too!  I just think you are the smartest lil thing! :)
You still wear a size 4 diaper and 12 month bottoms and 18 month old tops.  You have a tiny waist but are just a long and lean little boy. 
 You love to talk on the phone.  Your daddy recently got an iphone and we talk to him on face-time (Tango) when he is away.  You think it is the neatest thing! 
Your aunt Robin and now uncle Kyle bought you this new dump truck.  You love it and played with it while we at the rehearsal dinner. 
You are a good eater.  Mainly at breakfast and dinner.  Lunch time you are a light muncher.  You are sleeping better.  I hate to jinx this by talking about it but I need to document some milestones and this is one of them.  Last week your Daddy and I decided at 1:00am one morning when you woke up it is time for a Pearce "Sleep Bootcamp".  You finally at the beginning of June gave up your 3:00am bottle.  Mommy just cant have another school year with no sleep.  I was getting up with you once every night sometimes two.  Now when you wake up I or your daddy will come in to your room and tell you we love you and lay you back down.  The first night we did this for 2 hours because you are so hard headed and werent letting up.  The next night you slept all night.  Then the 3rd night you woke up once and I would just sit by your bed (sometimes longer than I should but I do not like hearing you cry) and lately you have done really well.  Last night you slept all night and woke up at 8:00am!!!  We are so proud of you Chance!  :)  Another thing we do after bath and reading we will take you in your room and we say "Where does Chance sleep" and you will point at your crib and smile.  We talk to you about being a big boy too.  You just smile.  You understand so much now that is why we decided to really try and make this sleeping through the night happen.  (Fingers crossed and prayers still needed for those of you who read my blog please, that this continues.)
You still will not drink whole milk.  Still drinking formula for your milk...and eating yogurt and cheese.  Going to have to talk to the dr again when we go on Tuesday. 

I cant believe that a year and a half ago my life would be forever changed in an amazing way. 
 The day you were born.
 one of the 6 days we were in the hospital

 The next two pictures Chance is 6 months old.

 and now here he is at 18 months...running everywhere...lauging...full of life!

We love you Chance more than anything in the world!  Happy 18 months!  We are so glad God blessed us with you a year and a half ago.  :)

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