Saturday, February 11, 2012


     This past week Chance has really been emphasizing his love for being at home.  When I would drop him off at my mom's before going to work he would tell me or my mom "Home, want to go home"  or he would say "Momma, Home"  He didnt want me to leave this week.  Must be a stage he is going through right now.  One day he had a hard day at Nana's.  My mom said it left her in tears.  Chance just wanted me and to go home.  :(  I think it is so sweet.  Yesterday, he didnt want me to go to work (didnt even want me to change out of my pajamas) and wanted me to sit down at Nana's and play with him.  I know my mom was thinking "oh great its going to be a long day"  But after I left they put together a train and Nana said he was so good and never asked to go home. (He loves staying with her).
      I only pray and hope that he will always want to be at home with us, I know as he grows he needs to be able to go and do and have fun being a little boy but at the end of the day I hope he always loves his home.  I know for me, I love and adore my parents, brother and sister.  I LOVE being at "home" with them. Growing up I would be home 30 min. before my curfew, I didnt really enjoy going out all that much unless it was to dinner or a movie then back "home".  My family is really close and we all love being together and maybe Chance will grow up loving that about his "home" too.  Doug and I now are making that "home" for Chance and it is so special to me.  One night at dinner (we were at Chili's with Kyle, Robin and my mom) and Chance was just eating and being so good.  He leaned over to me and said "Momma I wanna go home".  It was so stinkin cute. 
 Last night my mom, Chance and I went to do a lil shopping.  I had a gift card from Christmas that I wanted to use but we all know that Chance hates shopping.  Like truly tries to behave in such a way that you never go again.  Seriously.  But we tried, again.  Failure. Again.  I am so tired after shopping at one store that I have to catch my breath to even drive home. HA!  Doug was at a baseball scrimmage or Chance would have stayed home with Daddy.  We went and ate after the adventure and it was all good.  :)
I try daily to get a good picture of him and I but these are the faces I get.  Goodness I love this little boy to pieces and I LOVE being at HOME with him on the weekends!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a precious little guy you have AND what an amazing "home" you two have created for him! He will ALWAYS "love his home" because of the love you & Doug show him every day! He is one lucky little boy. YOU - are one incredible Mom :-)
