Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Playoff Bound

My husband's baseball team made it to the playoffs for the 2nd year in a row and its only his 2nd year here!  I am so proud of all he has accomplished.  This weekend is the 1st round of the playoffs.  We play 2 out of 3 games.  I am so behind on blogging mainly for this reason...BASEBALL is our life right now and we love it.  We also have hit the terrible two's around here...well I say that because this afternoon has been full of meltdowns and time-out.  Chance is truly a sweet little boy but today I saw his little horns come out of his head. ha! 
Then we went outside to get some fresh air and play a little baseball (my child can knock the fire out of a baseball - he will skip tee ball and go straight to fast pitching, ha!) and I was pretty close to Chance pitching him the ball and he hit it soooooo hard and fast that I didnt have time to react and it hit me square in the nose.  I covered my face and saw blood everywhere...yep, my first nose bled in my entire life is from my 27 month old hitting me with a baseball!!  He didnt mean too...but he did laugh until he realized I was really hurt.  Lil toot!!  Needless to say...I am fine.  Ego is a little bruised and have a pounding headache.  I will stand very far away next time. 

Here are some pics off my phone...some are random.

 These were from Easter but never got a chance to upload all of them.

 Easter Sunday checking out what the Easter bunny brought him
 Baseball game playing with his trucks

 nothing like chilling watching some baseball eating a Chick-Fil-A chicken nugget :)
Listening to Daddy talk to the players after a game
 Chance and Brae eating a sucker
 BIG SWING...watch out

 Brushing our teeth
 because when we go to walmart the sweet ladies in the bakery give you a free cupcake.  :)

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