Monday, March 10, 2014

Brooks is 8 months old! (plus 10 days)

I have tried all week to post pics of Brooks.  I cant believe he is 8 months old already.  He has been quite the sick little boy the past 3 months.  January - flu and ear infection.  Then Chance got a cough a month later I took Chance in for being sick and to get Brooks his booster shot and he had another ear infection.  He doesnt run fever with these ear infections and I knew he hadnt been sleeping and fussy but I thought it was from his teeth.  Boy was I wrong.  The dr heard wheezing in his lungs so we had to start breathing treatments AGAIN.  We started another antibiotic and after 5 days his breathing was worse and he was still so fussy.  Back to the dr we went and his oxygen levels were low so we increased the breathing treatments.  We finished the antibiotics and had a check up a week later and I thought we were going in for good news.  His breathing was better and no wheezing but his ear infection was back.  So this poor baby has been through 3 rounds of antibiotics in 3 months.  During all this he started crawling (7 1/2 months old) and we have started this week eating a few finger foods.  During this time he lost some weight too.  First time I ever saw the scale go down since he was born, ha!  He still isnt sleeping through the night.  With me having to wake him up to do breathing treatments every 4 hours and all the sickness he cant seem to find his perfect sleep pattern.  I have faith it will happen, ha!  Neither of my boys like sleep much.

 two teeth finally came through at 7 months

 He is pulling up on everything
 My two precious boys!  I dont know what my life would be like without them.  I am so glad I am their mommy.

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