Thursday, July 24, 2014

Brooks is 1 year old!

 I cant believe my little baby is 1 year old.  It feels like yesterday we were all praying for you sweet Brooks while you were in the NICU for 6 days.  You were so little and fragile and now....
 You are our healthy 1 year old who is one tough, easy going, loving, chubby legged little boy who we love with all our hearts. 

 Jina the Great took this pictures back at the beginning of July - we have moved and just got internet today! It was a hot afternoon and Brooks was a sweaty sweaty little boy by the end of the photo session.

 Smash cake time! 

 Chance begged to jump in and get some of that icing.  :)

 Brooks you are one smart little boy.  You climb on everything, EVERYTHING and then laugh at me.  You say momma, dadda and Stella.  Apparently we say Stella alot...Stella is our dog, our very hyper, dog.  Brooks and her have a good relationship because he feeds her from his high chair and then laughs.  You let your big brother play rough with you, aka - tackle (I watch though to make sure it doesnt get too rough).  I tell Chance everyday "just wait til Brooks can tackle you back - you will probably wish you had never messed with him"  Brooks I think you are going to be a big, strong boy.  At your year appt. you had gone from the 50th percentile in height to the 85th percentile!  Now on the weight - you are 26 lbs (that's right he is a big boy) and sitting still at the 97th percentile!  We are working on sleeping through the night....STILL.  :)  You love being outside and doing everything your brother does.  Or trying too.  You love to rock and cuddle and you LOVE your wubbanubs.  Probably going to be a big problem when I take them away.  We love you to the moon and back sweet Brooksie and I am so glad I am your mommy.

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