Sunday, January 12, 2014

Brooks is 6 months old


 You hit 20 lbs at 4 months and were almost 27 inches long
 Looking back at the pics month to month is crazy how big he has gotten.  I definately have a butter ball on my hands but the cutest, sweetest butter ball. 

 is this not the cutest face ever?

Brooks you have brought so much joy to your mommy's and daddy's life.  I am so glad God chose me to be your mommy.  You and Chance make me want to be a better person and mommy everyday.  Love you to the moon and back sweet boy.  You go to the dr for your 6 month check up Jan 22nd and Chance will have his 4 year check up then too. 

Things you are doing now and a few milestones that I havent documented:

You set up on your own November 27th. 
You are working on the two bottom teeth.  You drool like nothing I have ever seen.  You drool through your bibs and shirt...but no teeth just yet.
You were starting to sleep longer periods at night until you got the flu and an ear infection last week the same day you turned 6 months old 1-3-14.  You were on breathing treatments and two antibiotics and had to be propped up in bed with me to sleep and let's just say you really like it there.  :)  Good thing mommy and daddy got a king size bed for Christmas.  
You have started eating a few veggies and fruits.  You have had green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears and apples and very little rice cereal.  You are a big boy but the funny thing is you dont eat that much.  The dr says you have a low metabolism.  Poor get that from your mommy and I am so sorry.
You are drinking 30-32 oz of milk a day and you can actually have 36 but you never want anymore. Everyone thinks you dont miss a meal but really you eat when you are suppose to and that's it.  I love you and all your rolls :) 
You LOVE your big HIM.  Even if he is really rough sometimes.  He loves you too.  He loves to kiss your hands and feet approx 15,000 times a day and you just smile at him.  I truly hope the two of you are close one day and look out for each other. 
You have the sweetest temperment.  You are really a happy baby unless you are in your car seat.  However, I am hoping this changes when you start riding in your new car seat your daddy installed today :) 

I am sure I forgot something and will update if I remember.  Happy 6 months Brooks Harris! 

 and here is me trying to get both boys to cooperate to take a picture and you see where that got me - Brooks trying to eat Chance's hand

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