Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Chance!

 Yesterday we celebrated Chance's 4th birthday.  I cant believe he is 4. Here he is the day he was born
At one year old

At two years old

At three years old

and now he is FOUR!

 He wanted his birthday to be celebrated at the amusement park here in town.  He had a blast and I think his friends did too. 

 Chance and his girlfriend, Madison.  Ok she is just a girl that is a friend.

 I think his uncle Dale and the other adults had the most fun riding the go carts. haha

 Brooks enjoyed watching the go carts and then he gave me this smile. ha!

On Friday the 17th, the day of his birthday - we sang and celebrated before we went to work with hats and a cinnamon roll (his request)

After school we let him and Brae ride their "rides" and be boys!
 This big boy watched the older boys be silly while wearing his daddy's oakleys. 

 Forever Friends
Chance we love you more than anything in the whole wide world to the moon and back.  We tell each other that every night.  You have brought more joy to our lives than I could ever imagine. 
I asked you these questions:
What is your favorite color? Red
What is your favorite toy? Trains
What is your favorite fruit? Oranges - he eats lots of fruit though.  Strawberries, bananas, pineapple, cantelope
What is your favorite TV show?  PAW Patrol and Peppa the Pig - however you watch a lot of Bubble Guppies
What is your favorite lunch?  Turkey sandwich
What is your favorite outfit?  (he first says "give me some options mom") He ended up saying his reindeer costume
What is your favorite game? Hide and Seek - plays with his daddy in the evenings
What is your favorite snack?  his first response was "Grapes"  he is a funny kid - says the first thing on his mind.  He eats a few things - apples and peanut butter, pretzels too - he likes nutri grain bars as well or yogurt
What is your favorite animal?  Buffalo - LOL!
What is your favorite song?  He said "Im just glad Im just glad to be standing in the Lord's house of the Lord"  They sing something like this at school.  So sweet. - his go to song is "What does a fox say?"
What is your favorite book?  He brought me the BIBLE
Who is your best friend?  Brae and Mason
What is your favorite cereal?  Froot Loops (he said you know those colored circles)
What is your favorite things to do outside?  Ride his bike or play sports (he also rides his gator or tractor)
What is your favorite drink Juice
What is your favorite holiday?  He said here again "Give me some options"  (Apparently I say this alot to him "Here are your options") He said Christmas
What do you have to sleep with?  His blanket and "Pawla" (his catepillar)
What is your favorite thing to eat? Pancakes, sausage - anything you can soak with syrup - he likes cinnamon rolls and pizza too
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Once again he said "I need options"  He ended up saying a doctor

I love you Chance and your imagination.  You can write your name when you want to, today at the dr she asked you to draw a person and you drew a wonderful snowman.  :)  You know all your colors and pretty darn good at counting too.  You ask us a lot "What's his number?"  Meaning how old is someone or how much does something weigh or how tall is it.  Today at your 4 year check up you weigh 39 lbs and are 41 1/2 inches tall both in the 75th percentile.  You have 20/20 vision and your hearing is fantastic too.  You are one healthy boy.  You got two shots and were oh so not happy with us but you did great.  

Funny story really quick - on your birthday we went to eat at IHOP (you wanted pancakes) and the waitress came out after you had dinner and brought you a huge strawberry sundae and your first words were "what the heck, no candle?"  I laughed so hard - and now we all have to start watching what we say around you. :)  

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh Raina! This post made me smile, laugh, tear-up, & filled my heart with joy! What amazing parents you &
    Doug are to those precious little boys! God blessed them with the gift of a mother & father who love them unconditionally EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!! XOXOXO
