Friday, December 17, 2010

11 months old/Coaches Christmas Party

Today this sweet boy is 11 months old.  I cannot believe in one month he will be 1 yr old.  Time has flown by and he is growing and changing so much every single day.  Chance we love you more and more everyday.  Here are somethings you are up to these days:
You are walking and running everywhere.  You dont crawl at all anymore.  You can get up from the floor so good with no help and then you are off and we are off chasing you. :)
You have have 9 teeth and I see another one poking through
You arent the best eater in the world. You are a muncher.  We have little snacks and meals throughout the day, even if it is two or three bites.  We try to get you to sit still long enough to eat and you take a few bites and then want down.  You will go and play and then run back for a bite and then go play and run back for another bite.  You are a busy lil bee.  You still drink about 18-24 oz of formula everyday.  You take two really good naps.  One in the morning and one in the afternoon.  You sleep a lil better at night.  Maybe one of these days we can get you sleeping through the night.
You need a hair cut, but I love your hair and its craziness.  Maybe when you turn one! ha.
You are wearing 12-18 month old clothes.  You hate shoes....and socks...I have tried to get you to wear them but you just sit and stare at them like they are a foreign creature.  Maybe one day....
You love to play in the kitchen cabinets and take everything out.  You like to put the mixing bowls on your head.
You can now drink out of a straw
You like to give Stella your food.  You think it is funny.  We finally moved the dog bowls into the guest bedroom (after one broke and you took the "Dogs are Humans too" sign and broke it too)  Can we just say you are ALL BOY!  Your Daddy is to blame for everything breaking considering everything he gives you toy wise he teaches you to throw it.  So now you throw everything.
You are so sweet.  When you are really tired you will put your sweet head on my shoulder and smile really big...
I am sure I forgetting something about what you are up to at 11 months.  You are have changed our lives in a special way and we are loving watching your grow up. 

I bought Chance some of the cutest holiday pajamas and he sports them so well.  I got my stockings made at Pottery Barn Kids.  They had stockings on sale and so I got us all the same one and had our names monogrammed on them.  They turned out perfect.

We were swinging the other night and I was trying to get him to look at the camera!  He was not wanting to take pictures.  He kept saying "mamamamamama.."
Before the Coaches Christmas Party 2010 - It was so fun and turned out wonderfully.

This shows our lil boy's personality. 

My sister made this amazing cookies!  She is so talented. 
Something was up with the flash cause this picture of my mom and I is so bright...or we need to seek the spray tan machine FAST! lol
Dont we have the cutest lil boy!? 

The tree to the left of my mom Chance likes to take my tree apart.  He does "drive by's" and grabs an ornament even if it is up high and takes off running.  When he realizes I am behind him he throws it and the picture below shows what I have been cleaning up ALOT lately. 

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