Wednesday, December 1, 2010

mmmmmm good...(Randomness)

Doug letting Chance have a drink out of the BIG BOY cup

"so good"  (Is this picture not the cutest thing you have ever seen??)
Going back in for more!
Thanksgiving Nap 2010  (I really got Chance to sleep but Grandpa got to hold him)
Chance's new "play" bed (aka a dog bed) When we were shopping on Black Friday we were in Ross and Chance found this bed.  (Yes I let him basically wonder around as I follow)  So he pulled this bed off the shelf and got in it and rolled and played so mom said "Raina he has to have it" Therefore I folded and bought the bed.  He loves it. 

He also is OBSESSED with the bat Doug bought him at the Ranger's World Series game.  Carries it everywhere he goes and hits everything he sees.  Such a boy!

Love his PJ's.

Getting ready for Christmas pictures!  He looks so cute in his sweater and jeans. 

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