Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Visiting Santa

This weekend my mom, sister, Chance and I went to San Antonio to a mall we have never been to do a little Christmas shopping.  Ok, my hopes were to get all my shopping done.  I left not getting one single Christmas gift.  However, we did meet Santa for the first time.  Well, Chance did.  While he and I were waiting in line, he was such a little mess -  He knocked over the gate separating the lines, he wouldnt let me hold him.  He would throw his arms back and go limp so that it was difficult to hold him.  He pulled the ornaments off the tree.  You are probably thinking "Cant you control a 10 month old (almost 11 months in two days)"  The line was so crowded and HOT it was hard to control myself. ha.  We finally make it through the zig zag lines to see Santa.  Santa was sooo wonderful.  He said "ok this is how we handle the little ones, you slide him to me slowly and then walk away"  So I did just that and this is the pic we got! (this is off my camera - hence the bad quality) 
You cant really see his shirt but it is wet because he was sitting in his stroller drinking his water and spitting it out (I guess)  It was soaking wet but I wanted his picture taken in this shirt! ha!   I think we will try and go again before Christmas and take another pic.  I think it turned out pretty good though.  Look really close you can see that Chance didnt really know what to think.  He is biting his bottom lip.  Once he noticed I wasnt next to him he started to cry but I ran and grabbed him.  We had a good day.  The mall we went to was not designed for people with strollers.  Trying to find an elevator with some stores having 4 floors or 3 or 2...going up and down was not fun.  But we managed. 
Here is a pic of Chance and I out shopping...
Notice the change in clothes and NO SOCKS.  My child hates shoes and socks.  He bites them off.  I live with a monster.  A very cute, sweet monster.  :)  I bought him some crocks.  So cute.  However he will kick them off and or not walk if they are on.  He definately has a mind of his own...
Happy Wednesday!  (two more days til we are out for 2 weeks on Christmas break!  I cannot wait!!)
Tonight I am hosting the Christmas Coaches Party.  Should be fun! 

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