Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Gifts

It has been a very busy weekend. Friday my parents came down and we all went to dinner and then Doug and my Dad headed to my grandpas to hunt. My mom and I ran to the mall. I hadnt bought any Christmas gifts and I didnt really accomplish much Friday night either. Saturday we got up and headed to one of our favorite stores, TARGET. We spent a lot of time and money in that store on Saturday. We then headed to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. I had to take breaks frequently considering I am carrying a bowling ball in my belly. ha! We went to a few other places and then thought it was time for a much needed pedicure! Boy was it awesome. I have been pretty lucky that my feet havent swelled at all. They do ache though. :(
On a different note Doug killed an 8 point deer Saturday morning so now we have to clean out our freezer to make room for the hamburger meat!
Sunday mom and I slept in as much as the dog's would let us and then we started organizing Chance's room, we washed all his 0-3 month old clothes and got them all hung up, we made his bed and washed all the sheets. The room is so cute. Mom also hung the curtain she had made and it is perfect. I still have a few finishing touches to do before I post the pics of the room. But everyone get ready it is super cute! I am so very thankful for my mom. She did so much this weekend to help me. I couldnt have done it with out her. Thank you mom. You are the best! We then went out for a few more things on our shopping list. Mom is making me some cute gowns for the hospital when I have Chance. We got the cutest fabric. I will post the pics of those when she gets them made!
Today I had lunch with Ashley! Love her! We went to Olive Garden for salad and breadsticks and then she came over to see the nursery and we exchanged Christmas gifts. :) I then went out to Target, Marshall's, Lowes and Hobby Lobby. Can we say TIRED! I have been going non-stop for the last 3 days. Tonight Doug and I exchanged gifts. He got some under armor attire and I broke down and bought him a Wii. I am crazy. He got me a molly maid gift card! I cannot wait to have my house cleaned BY SOMEONE ELSE...haha! :) Here is a pic of Stella with her Christmas gift. It really wasnt hers but she loves it so its hers now. When mom and I were organizing Chance's room she found this little "lovie" dog thing. It rattles and she takes it everywhere with her. Today she took it outside with her. So stinkin cute!
he wouldnt smile but he was really surprised by the gift. LOL. He will prob kill me for posting this pic.
This was his surprise.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Party/Shopping

Last night was our Coaches Christmas Party. Before we left Doug took a few pics of me and baby Chance by the Christmas Tree. I havent taken many prego pics so here is one and another with my Stella Bella.

This is Bode. I love this lil boy so much! I hope he and Chance are friends one day. He is the son to some of Doug and I's really good friends Stephanie and BJ. BJ is Doug's baseball assistant. He is so stinkin cute!

There is a pic of Doug and I and I am considering using it for a Christmas Card so I cant post it just yet. The party was fun. We did a white elephant gift exchange I ended up with a $20 gift card to Subway (very pleased with that) and Doug did have a bunch of lottery tickets and one of the other coaches took them! So he ended up with a Starbucks gift card. Neither one of us drink Starbucks but we'll figure out something to get there one day! :)

I did some Christmas shopping today! I got my hubby a surprise! Hope he likes it!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

End to a Great Season

This weekend was a sad weekend for a few reasons. The Lagrange Leopards played a great game Sat. however fell short of a win. My dad lead the Leopards through an amazing football season and we are all so very proud of him. The game was in Midlothian therefore we saw lots of friends from Ennis and family from the Dallas area. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Leps. Another reason I say it was a sad weekend is once we all got home and said our byes to go our separate ways for the weekend and week we knew we wouldnt be doing the "football routine" again this season. Lots of emotions and tears. I guess the boys will begin their hunting season this weekend considering that is almost over as well. Here are a few pics from the game. (I got a new camera for Christmas. I new Canon Rebel. It takes 3 pics per second, it will be great with a new baby around and me taking lots of pics) Me, Mom and Robin ( I think this is a great pic of my mom and sis)

This is Dale waving at the camera with Doug and then Dad is with the team in the background. I havent bought the additional lens that zooms in close yet. We will have to invest in that maybe after Christmas. I will need it for baseball season for sure!

Here are some pics of our Christmas tree (Stella is in the background, she is not sure what to think of the new camera, ha) and our fireplace mantel. We have a stocking for Stella but it is HOT PINK ZEBRA and doesnt really go with the decor, I need to buy her a new one.

Look how sad this lonely present is. This is a present from Doug to me. I havent done any Christmas shopping yet because we have been so busy on the weekends so I have to get most of it done this weekend. I think my mom is coming to Austin to shop with me!

Today was our last child birth class. We went to the morning session and learned about epidurals and we skipped out on the afternoon class to come home and rest. Boy did we need it. Have a great week!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Semi Finals

This is going to be a short post with a couple of pics. Just wanted to talk about how exciting it is that my Dad's football team is in the SEMI FINALS. We play this Saturday in Midlothian at 6:00 against Carthage. Should be an awesome game. Not sure I can handle another game like this past Saturday though. It was a nailbiter and when we won in overtime I jumped up way to much that baby Chance was probably wondering what the heck was happening. I couldnt help it though. :) Here are some pics from some football games.

Dad and Doug

Dale, Doug and Dad and you can see Cheeseburger in the background. Love this pic!

Doug and I had a date night last Friday. We went to PF Changs and then to Garden Ridge for a new Christmas tree. We wanted a bigger one this year to put in the living room. We have one in the dining room that is smaller too. I will take pics of them soon. So pretty! I want to leave them up year round.

We had our first Child Birth class this past Sunday (yes it was an eventful, restless weekend, but a good one). Not too sure Doug and I got what we needed from the class. He was so A.D.D. the whole class and we pretty much were off task the whole time, laughing at the this or that. We have a good time. Then we had lunch at Mr. Gattis. We havent had that in a long time! So good. Last night we had the breast feeding class. I did learn a lot in that class. I think Doug did too! haha.

I went to my 34 week dr. appt. this morning. I had only gained 1 1/2 pounds in 2 weeks which shocked me! Glad though...Chance is moving all the time, I love it and in less than 5 weeks he will be here!!

more pics to come...and this post was way longer than I intended. I better go feed Stella. I hear her groaning and crying wanting me to come put food in her bowl. Poor baby. :/

Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Season

Last week was a busy week for us. Right after school on Tuesday we drove to Ennis to visit Doug's family and then Wed. we drove to LG to see my family. Thursday was a day of rest and lots of eating! We also went and saw the movie Blind Side. The best movie ever! Doug and I actually had already seen it (we went the weekend it came out) but we were all about seeing it again. We had a lot of fun! Friday was playoff game day and BLACK FRIDAY shopping. Robin, mom and I went to San Marcos to the outlets before the game and boy oh boy was it crowded. I got sick in the under armour store and had to go sit outside on the curb there were so many I was starving! We went to 3 places and then decided it was to much and went to eat. Then we were headed for the football game...we won!! So now LG is in the 4th round of the playoffs and we play this Friday in San Antonio.
Doug put the Christmas lights out yesterday and I plan to get the tree out this week sometime and get it up and decorated! Sorry no pics with this post. My camera was dead at the football game and the batteries I bought for it...well I left them in the car and was to lazy to go out and get them!
7 weeks people and Chance will be here!! 7

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Are you ready for some football??!!!

Our family sure is! Dad's football team is now going to be 3 rounds deep in the playoffs after this weekend's win. It was such a stressful game until the 4th quarter when LG took a strong lead. We play next Friday night at Texas State stadium where Doug and I both graduated from college! So fun! Here are some pics from after the game!

Doug and I and of course Baby Chance! I look like a marshmallow!

Me, Dale, mom and Rob

Kyle and Robin - arent they such a cute couple!
FAMILY PICTURE! We finally pulled Dad away from all the reporters and parents to take a family pic. Can you tell we love under armour attire.

Robin likes this picture...not fond of it, but I posted it for her. You can really tell I am prego here! This was from 2 weekends ago at the first playoff game. Doug and Dad talking about a play after the game!

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! We will be traveling since we probably wont do much traveling over Christmas since it will be so close to Chance being born. I go to the doctor again Tues. (every 2 weeks now).

Happy Thanksgiving! And go Leopards!! beat Devine!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

3D Ultrasound

Doug and I went today for our 3D ultra sound. I was a bit nervous but we were able to get some really sweet pictures. Chance is a snuggler. The ultra sound technician kept saying he just wants to stay snuggled up to mommy. He would only cooperate ever so often. It was a neat experience. She told us he has a head full of hair, scary! I told Doug he needed to bring his hair cutting clippers to the hospital! haha. Just jokin. No I am a lil serious. He has chubby cheeks! Love it!

Doesnt he have the sweetest lil face! Love him so much!

In this picture he has one eye open.

this picture shows his hands and fingers...pretty cool!

We got a DVD of the whole sonogram and got home and it doesnt have sound! We are pretty bummed about that. The experience overall was wonderful! Now the downer is we have to wait 2 more months for him to be here!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Baby Shower's

I have been MIA lately, mainly because I have been so busy with school, going to conferences and baby showers. Last week was a great week. A couple of teachers from school through me a baby shower on Friday afternoon here is a pic of the wonderful teachers that came to help celebrate!
Deidre made her strawberry yumminess and put Chance's name in the middle with strawberries it was so stinkin cute!

Then on Saturday was my big shower. Six of my best friends helped hostess the shower. It was perfect! I had friends and family from all over come to the showere here in Austin. It was such a special day. We had chicken salad sandwiches, soup and caesar salad and the best part were the sugar cookies and chocolate cake! YUM! I got lots of wonderful gifts as well. Thank you to everyone who came and helped make this day so special! Love you all! Here are few pics from the shower.

Rob, me and Mom.

the hostesses - Stephanie, Tiffany, Ashley, Me, Amanda, Robyn and Kate (with her sweet baby Lyla Grace) The shower was at Kate's mom's. She has the most beautiful home.

I will post more pics of the shower soon!

Now before I close....Doug and I went to the dr today to see how much our baby boy Chance is growing etc. I am 30 wks along and so this was my 31 week sonogram appt. Chance is weighing already a whopping 4 lbs!! He is growing wonderfully! He likes to move around a lot too! His butt is under my right breast and his feet are under my left breast...which makes for some interesting movements! Below is a pic of Chance looking at us. (please excuse how large his head looks the dr zoomed in) Next week we are getting a 3D sonogram and will post pics from that!

This Friday is La Grange's first playoff game!! Go LEPS!! Doug, Stella and I will be traveling to that game! Good Luck Dad! :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Birthday's and Football

This weekend I went home to see my dad's football team play. We lost 36-32. It was a tough loss. It was also my mom and sister's birthday's. I brought a cake from this place in Pflugerville called Simon Lee Bakery. They make the best cake. Here are some pics from this weekend. Some are pics of us girls before the football game and of the birthday cake.
Rob and I before the football game.
Mom, Rob and I sporting our La Grange purple!
Mom and Rob's Birthday Cake! So yummy! My grandad said it was the best cake he had ever eaten!

I thought this was a great pic of my dad on the field before the football game. We love him so much! He is so proud to be a grandpa! :)

Another exciting thing that happened this weekend is my brother got a new pickup truck. Below is a pic of it! So pretty!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


We had a busy weekend. Friday, I went with Amanda and Deidre to Chili's for dinner before the football game. We decided to leave the game during the 4th quarter considering the parking at Westlake is so bad and we were going to have to hike 2 miles back to our car. As we were leaving a police officer told us we could go this other way that was faster to our cars...45 minutes later, 3-4 miles along we finally make it back to our cars (I cried most of the way, yelling at Westlake cars to help us find out way). Luckily Amanda had a GPS on her phone because we were so far from the staduim we barely made it back. Oh and by the time we got back to our car the game was over and most everyone had left. So much for leaving early... I am just glad that Deidre half way through our adventure reassures us that we will be ok because she took karote when she was in elementary. That was so funny.

On Saturday - I took Stella to get groomed. She hates going to the groomer. It breaks my heart everytime I leave her. When I go to pick her up they always tell me "she is very high maintenance, and very wiggly on the grooming table" I am like "what dog isnt" Stella knows when I walk in because you can hear her YELPING to get out of the crate. When they open the crate she dashes out, literally and runs so fast and jumps (yes she can jump) over the gate into my arms. The lady goes "oh my we need to make sure and write on her chart that she jumps over the gate" Um...are we in elementary where we keep a conduct card???? Poor thing...but she does look and feel better.

While she was out of the house I had the carpets cleaned in all four bedrooms. I wanted them cleaned before the baby came. They look amazing...While they were drying - mom, Robin and Kyle came down and I took mom to get her hair cut/colored. Kyle stayed and watched the OU/Tex game while us girls ran around. Later that night Doug and I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and came home to put together the baby bed. Doug had it together in no time.

I got Chance's baby bedding in this week. So I was very anxious to put it in the crib for a "test run". We finally finished the stripes on the wall last weekend and everything looks so good. I ordered the crib bedding from Very pleased with how it turned out.

Doug and Stella trying out the new crib...

Somewhat finished crib...

Have a good week! :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Loving Fall

This weekend has been a busy weekend. Friday mom came down and went to the football game with me. This week was a bye week for Dad's football team so he was out scouting for this coming week. Mom and I went and had Casa Garcia's mexican food for dinner before the game. It was so good! We also ran by Target (our fav place to shop) because we had an hour to spare before the game. On Saturday we got up and headed out to Registry for baby stuff. We went to Babies R Us first and spent 2 hours in there. When we got the scanner mom and I just stared at each other because we didnt know for sure what to get (there are so many brand names, not sure what was the best one). We had fun though. After that we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, another one of our fav places here in Austin. We love their factory chopped salad. :) Then we went to Kohls and Hobby Lobby before we headed to Target to registry there. All in all it was an overwhelming, fun, tiring day. :) We came back to the house where we sat and watched Doug paint the babies room. He is almost finished! There are pics of the room and the new ceiling fan. Doug thinks it is kind of too fancy for a babies room, but I love it!
I am really into the fall colors and smells this year. Mom bought us some mums to plant in my two pots out front and I got a new doormat for the front door. The colors all cordinate!
I had dinner with two of my best friends tonight...we went to the Cheesecake Factory. It is half way for all of us. We had a great time. They both have lil ones so we had to cut dinner short because they were getting fussy. I dont have school tomorrow, because I have JURY DUTY. Oh joy. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our Baby

We are expecting our first child in January. Doug and I are both so excited. I will upload a couple of pics of our baby BOY as soon as I can get them both scanned! I am too tired tonight to do all of that considering I have been sitting here for an hour just playing around with this new blog stuff. Here is a pic of the colors/fabric designs we are using for the nusery! The bedding should be in at the end of OCTOBER and I cannot wait!! We have (well Doug has) been painting the nursery and here a few pics of him hard at work. :)

New to Blog World

I thought I would try this blog thing out. Having a hard time getting it up and running. I really must be blonde because I am having the hardest time adding a picture, finding a background and doing all the neat things I see other people doing. Oh time I will figure it all out!