Saturday, July 31, 2010

Photo Shoot Pics

I had a lil photo shoot with Chance a few weeks ago out on our new swing.  Chance loves to sit outside and swing so it has been a well spent purchase.  It will be a lot nicer when it gets cooler outside.  Anyways, I blew some of these pictures up and I love them!! 
My Dad bought Chance his first putter before he was even born.  He likes to chew on you can see his Daddy and Grandpa want him to play many sports...
He really loves this toy without the ball and bat.  It plays music and he likes to chew on it too. haha.  But Doug tries his best to get him to swing the bat and hit the ball.
Doug bought Chance this lil Texas Rangers outfit when he was in Dallas one weekend.  I think he looks precious!
We went out to dinner last night with a bunch of coaches and their families and Chance and Doug happened to be dressed was an accident but super cute.
We have been trying to finish cleaning up our house and putting the last of the boxes away.  My sweet mom is going to come over sometime this weekend and help me fix and clean out my closet. 
Happy Weekend!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Friends and Sleep update

I took some pictures of Chance one day last week when he was playing.  I think I captured some good ones.  Can you believe he is 6 months old?? 
I love my camera.  One of the best things we have purchased! 
We had some friends visit this weekend.  We had a great time relaxing, swimming, eating out and talking.  Brent and Chelsi came in Friday and left this morning :(  We always enjoy their visits!  Saturday we went over to my parents and layed out and swam before we headed out for mexican food!  My mom and dad kept Chance when we went to dinner.  Thank you mom and dad...We appreciate all you do for us!! 

Now...on to the sleep update...still struggling to get Chance to sleep in his room.  He will sleep for a few hours and then we have the hardest time getting him to go back to sleep in his crib.  With company this weekend his room is right by the guest bedroom so we didnt want to keep Brent and Chelsi up all night doing the "cry out" (which I am not good at, at all)  So he ended up in our room this weekend...but we are working on it!  Hopefully things will get better this week otherwise if you see me I will be a walking zombie and so will my son! ha.
"Mom sleep is overrated"  We had to lower the bed.  Lil toot!  Love him though.  How could you not love this face. 
Now when Daddy is playing with C these are the only toys Doug will give him...
Hope yall have a great week!  School will be starting before I know it!  boo!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's Time

Yesterday Chance had his 6 month shots.  He had 4 shots.  Three in his lil legs and 1 was an oral vaccination.  Chance was a wiggle worm the whole appt.  When the nurse was trying to give him the oral vaccination (it is supposedly sweet flavored) Chance would not open his mouth!  Everytime she would get the lil dropper close to his mouth he would close his mouth TIGHT and turn his head from side to side.  The nurse tried probably 15 times to do this and Chance was not having it.  So I finally said "Can I try"  She gave me the dropper and finally Chance took the vaccine.  Little toot is so stubborn.  :)  The nurse goes "I have never had this happen to me before, he is so smart"  My mom and sister were there with us and we all got so tickled.  The doctor said he looks really good.  He weighs 18 pounds 10 ounces and is 27 1/2 inches long.  He is in the 80th percentile on weight but the 90th on HEIGHTH!!  :)

(These were all taken with my phone - horrible quality - but precious pictures!)

The doctor told me "IT'S TIME" to try the crying out method for going to bed at night.  I started crying...I just hate hearing him "cry it out".  She said that he has to learn to self soothe and fall asleep on his own.  It's been really hard getting in a routine/schedule since we moved.  We have been here and there all summer.  Chance has been sleeping in our room in a co-sleeper crib - his room is literally 2 miles from us across the house.  Ok...not 2 miles but it sure seems like it.  At our other house his room was right next to ours.  Anyways, starting tomorrow....ok maybe tonight (I keep prolonging it) he will start sleeping in his room, in his crib and when he wakes up I will go pat him and tell him it is ok and then I'll leave.  (well lets hope I will leave the room, ha!)  Pray for us...
We bought a video monitor that I will prob sit up at night watching him sleep.  I know this is something we have to's just not fun. 
This is what Chance does when he rides in the wouldnt that seem to be so uncomfortable!!  When we have the handle bar up he plays with his toy with his feet.  It's quite funny.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 months old

Six months ago today my precious lil boy was born.  He is such a blessing in our lives.  I cannot wait to see how much he weighs and how much he has grown at the doctor's appt. on Monday. 

Chance this is what you are up to these days...

Not sleeping much.  You are wanting to sleep on your tummy more and more.  I lay you on your back but then you immediately want to roll over on your stomach.  You fight sleep so much.  Maybe one day you will love it as much as your mommy does.  :)

You roll all over the place.  You are "scooching" too.  But your favorite thing is to hold your hands out for someone to hold onto so you can stand up.  We all just love sitting and watching you. 

You are on the go ALWAYS.  Changing your diaper is a chore now. haha.  We have to find something to entertain you in order to change you. 

Your sweet smile lights up the room.

You still just have 2 teeth but I think you are cutting another one. 

You are wearing 9 month old clothes but can wear 3 month old shorts because your waist is slim but you have the strongest lil rolly legs.  Love them!

You love playing with water bottles (I know this is prob not the best toy, but sometimes you just have to give in) :) 

Your mommy and daddy love you so much!  The last 6 months have been so much fun. 

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sleepless in Seguin

This sweet lil boy hasnt been sleeping much this last week.  Needless to say Mommy and baby are super tired.  I think he is teething and we went on a lil mini vacation and sleeping somewhere else and traveling can mess with a routine.  Not that we really had one, ha!  Chance has been waking up about 2-3 times during the night.  :(  He will be 6 months old tomorrow.  This lil bundle of joy (even when he isnt sleeping) is super active.  He wants to be everywhere.  He loves to stand up with the help of someone holding his hands.  He screams at the top of his lungs he loves it so much.  He can "scooch" across the floor already, he can go from laying on his stomach to a crawling position to a sitting position.  I got it all on video today so I need to get that uploaded.  We have one lil independent baby boy.  We go for his 6 month check up Monday. 

My parents took us, my brother and sister on a lil vacation getaway.  We went to the Hyatt Resort and Spa in San Antonio.  We had a very nice time.  The girls got massages and pedicures and the boys golfed one day.  The rest of the time we relaxed by the pool, floated the lazy river, ate, ate and ate...
Here are some pics
I have a really hard time getting Chance to smile for pics now.  He smiles all the time but when the camera is in front of him this is the face I get. 
I guess he gets it from his grandpa.  ha!  this was at Outback one night at dinner.  We always give my dad a hard time about his facial expressions in pictures and look at this...what a pair!
On the way to the spa
Chance was wore out after a long day at the pool.  He was a trooper though.
Not sure what has Chance's attention but he sure wasnt interested in taking a picture. 

Monday, July 5, 2010


My 24 week old baby boy is driving!! 
(Have no fear...the car is parked)  This is what Daddy was letting Chance do while Mommy ran in WalMart.  Doesnt he look like he is really concentrating.  So cute!  I know I say this all the time but he is growing up way too fast!

Not much going on around here.  Just soaking up summer as much as we can.  My mom, sis and I all joined the gym last week.  Robin and I did what was called an "Expresso Lift" last Friday.  Let's just say we still have a hard time sitting on the toilet we are so sore.  We had a garage sale on Saturday and were in so much pain we could hardly set everything up.  We went walking and swimming to try and get some of the soreness out.  We worked out today and feel a lot better.  But who knew 30 min. could bring so much pain! haha.  We plan on going again! :)  I love cardio/lifting classes.  I feel like I get so much more accomplished in one hour than I would just doing it on my own. 

Doug has been doing bus driving school for last two weeks.  He didnt have to drive a bus at our last school but does now. 

Did anyone see the Bachlorette "Jake and Vienna" Meltdown.  Wow.  They both need some serious counseling.  I do think that Jake going on Dancing with the Stars prob hurt their relationship.  But what do I know!

Chance can now roll himself from one side of the room to the other.  He can sit in the crawling position but prefers to "face plant" and get on his stomach then he rolls everywhere.  Sunday we went to church (finding a new church when you move is so hard, and with an almost 6 month old is even harder - I am not ready to leave him in a nursery when I do not know anyone) Chance started out ok.  We went to the top balony where in the far right corner there was a huge banner that said "CRY ROOM"  I told Doug and my parents we must sit close by that door.  After Chance threw his toy and pacifier on the people in front of us I let Doug hold him and shortly after Doug looks at me with this face "He just pooped"  So I grab the bag and go to the "CRY ROOM"  Needless to say it was a false alarm.  So we try going back to the service.  At this point the preacher had started his sermon.  Chance has now started to fake cough.  (I blame this all on my mom even though supposedly the books and internet say this is normal - that it is a form of communicating)  But he will look at us and go "cough cough"  But it's a "ka ka" kind of sound.  Hard to explain.  But he mocks whatever we do.  Well whatever my family does now.  (Thanks mom!)  he thinks he is so funny.  Well he started doing this to my Dad during church - and he was getting restless.  So we sat in the "CRY ROOM" for the remainder of the service where he ROLLED all over the room and then finally gave in and went to sleep. 

Here are some sweet pics from my cell phone - one is in his stroller - we had been shopping all day and he is looking at me like "mom can we please go home"

And the other is him sleeping (such a sweetie)

Hope everyone has a great week.