Friday, April 29, 2011

Doing what He Do...

My husband in his element...and our lil man watching his every move...

 Tonight is a HUGE GAME for us!  Determines if we make the playoffs...
 Check out his new "kicks"  I love his Nike shoes...

 So please pray for our team and coaches tonight!
 This will be me and Chance...he screams for his "Daddy"

 Go Matadors!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Part 2

 Family Photo on Easter Sunday
 Mommy and Chance

 Nana and Chance
 What the guys do best...playing on their phones (well Dad has my phone - he loves playing Words with Friends against Dale - hence, he needs his own iphone!)
 This egg is has a car inside of it!

 "Look egg!"
 Now he emptied the basket!
 Telling Daddy "I see more over there!"

 Full Basket = Easter Hunt a Success!
This little boy loves him some trucks and cars!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011 Part 1

 Easter weekend was filled with dr appointments and traveling.  But I was able to capture some really good pictures of this cute little boy.  He had his 15 month dr appointment on Friday (we were out of school, praise the Lord!)  He didnt like this appointment at all.  He screamed the entire time.  It was awful.  He weighs 23.2 lbs (30th percentile) he is 32 inches long (75th percentile) and of course he is still in the 85th percentile on head circumference.  He is precious, growing strong and healthy and that is all we could ask for!!  :)
 First Easter egg hunt...(Doug's side of the family) 

 Doug was chasing him up and down the slope in the grass and he thought it was so funny!
 Saturday we woke up to a sweet baby who didnt feel good.  He was running fever and throwing up.  I was guessing the shots didnt take to well.  So we went to see the ducks at a local park and play on the playground.  (Before this he also fell in the backyard and busted his lip, poor baby)

 BLUEBONNETS!!  We drove around forever looking for these flowers!  Not sure we captured many wonderful pictures but this is the best we could do!

 As we were out in the country we saw these beautiful horses and stopped to take some pictures!
 After traveling to have Easter in the Dallas area we came back home to rest and have Easter here at home.  Those pictures will be uploaded on a different post - running out of time and this post already has tons of pics!
*I am also going to start watermarking my photos for protection.  I wish I didnt have too but I think it is best.  My blog is a place where I want to share my photos with family and friends, but I want them to be protected and not able to just copy and print. *  (Seems everyone is having to do this these days!)