Sunday, April 27, 2014

Brooks is 9 month old (very late post) and updates

 This sweetie pie is 9 months old and will be 10 months old this coming Saturday.  I am very late getting this post done, I actually thought I had posted about it.  We have been so busy.  We have baseball games every Tuesday and Friday and then Chance has tee ball games on Saturday's but this last week he also had one on Wednesday night.  I barely get dinner made these days...or remember to do much of anything but take care of my babies.  My family gives me a hard time about my car being dirty (we seriously live out of it some weeks) or if my laundry is everywhere - or if I cant find something (which is quite often).  I told them the other day "When I go to heaven one day I do not want to be remembered for a clean car or house I want to be remembered by that I was a great mom, wife, daughter and sister."  Yes, would I like to be more organized? Absolutely.  With work and everything else going on in our lives laundry and other things can get done when they get done.  ha!  (I will do a different post on what changes are taking place in our life)
 Kyle, Robin and Knox at one of Chance's tee ball games a few weeks ago (it was cold that day)
 This deserves a post in itself, but a couple of weeks ago my husband who grew up Catholic was baptized in the Baptist church.  Here is Chance after with his big grin.
 These are the ninja turtles who played so hard while we celebrated Dale and Kristi at a wedding shower a few weeks ago. 
 Now this lil ball of joy and his 9 month pictures.  Brooks on April 14th you got tubes put in your ears.  After 5 ear infections since January we and your doctors decided it was time and we have noticed a huge change in your eating and we are still working on the sleeping longer periods at night.  You truly are such a joy in our lives and we dont know what we would do without you.  You love your brother so much.  You watch his every move.  If he is in the room you have to be near him and you wont think about napping or resting until Chance is next to you or out of the room.  I pray that you both have an amazing relationship as you grow up.
 You crawl everywhere, you love baths and the dog bowl, haha!  You can stand up on your own for a few seconds and getting better at it everyday.  You can walk with the help of a walker/toy.  You have four teeth.  Man, I wish they didnt make you fussy...the top two coming in sure did make you unhappy.  You love cheese and avocado and strawberries the most. 
 Happy 9 months baby boy!
 Chance is full of life.  He keeps us going.  He has such a sweet, sweet heart. Some of his favorite things to say are "its just an accident momma"  he tells Brooks all the time "Hi sweet boy"  in the cutest voice ever.  He also tells Doug and I "you are being so rude"  He hears us tell him that haha.  He tells me all the time "I love you mommy" The other day during his tee ball game, he runs to the fence and tells me in the stands "I love you momma"  I was so sweet.  He LOVES baseball and everything about it.  He is really into watching it on TV now which makes his daddy really happy and he is his daddy's baseball teams biggest fan.  He knows every player, their number and cheers loud for them.  He loves standing still and doing the National Anthem.  We were trying to get Brooks to sleep the other night and Chance leans over and tells him "Its on Brooks-ie Jesus loves you and will keep you safe you can go to sleep now"  I LOVE this kid so much it hurts! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter 2014

 He took all the eggs and dumped them on the floor

 Is he really 4 years old??  I told him he looked so handsome and he said "no momma I look sharp!"  Well yes you do my sweet boy...

 Love my boys so much!
 My dad was taking the pictures and he is a mess with the camera and we couldnt stop laughing.

 This picture of Brooks pretty much sums up the day of pictures.  "Momma no more pictures!!"

Happy Easter!