Monday, December 31, 2012

Lots happening in December 2012

I have been a horrible blogger lately.  December has been a big month for our family.  Got to see our lil bun in the oven December 5th, my sweet baby boy had to have his front tooth pulled December 20th and also on this day we gave up his paci for good.  No looking back... he has done great without it.  The day he had his tooth pulled I was a nervous wreck.  Chance did so good until they had to strap him down to give him the shots to numb his tooth.  They wouldnt let me go in the back with him with all the x rays and nitric gas etc due to being pregnant.  I balled like a baby when they took him back.  Doug got to go with him.  They gave him a little "cocktail" is what they called it to relax him which also freaked me out.  He was so loopy.  (Reason for having it pulled - when he was 18 months old he fell and hit his mouth and cracked his front tooth.  We have been watching it and it was starting to get infected and hurting him and the dentist said if we didnt pull it, it was going to affect his permanant tooth)  It has taken some getting used to not seeing his tooth but he is still just as cute!!  Such a boy!  I cant believe he is about to be 3 years old.  I also was so worried about giving up his paci.  He cried and wanted it that day but after that he kept saying "no paci momma, I a big boy"  yay!!  It was one expensive way to get rid of it....
*Here is a picture on Christmas Day of my toothless 2 year old.

I took some photos of Chance the day before he had his tooth pulled

 Last picture with his two front teeth
We also on  packed up the crib (until baby #2 arrives) and he got him a new big boy bed.  I will have to post pictures on that soon.  My mom helped me get it all ready after the boys put everything together.  It was pretty tear jerking putting away all his bedding and crib. 

 *this little boy is in love with Christmas blow ups.  He talks about them all the time.  He will be sad when everyone and us put them away until next year* And this is as close to Santa as Chance got this year. ha
This week I go back to the dr. to make sure sweet baby is doing good and growing strong, I have to start planning Chance's birthday party and we wont mention I turn....this month too. 

Happy New Year!  I hope 2013 is the best yet!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Big News!!!

 We are having another baby!!! 
We are so excited to add one more to our family.  I went to my first doctor's appt. last Wednesday and everything was good and I loved my new doctor.  I have been so nervous changing doctors but driving to Austin every month was going to use up all of my days at work and I would rather save those for when Baby Pearce arrives.  My due date is July 16th.  :)