Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Week of School/Doug's Birthday

Well I survived the first week of school.  It has been a long week.  My feet are beyond sore and my body aches all over.  But I made it! ha.  Getting back into the swing of things is always a challenge from being away for the summer and not standing up all day teaching.  I have some good classes this year (fingers crossed) but its a busy work day.  I watch the clock all day to when I can go pick up this sweet pea

This was Chance the night before I had to get up at the crack of dawn....

 He certainly wasnt prepared for going to bed...but then check him out in our bed the next morning...
(I know this catepillar isnt the most manly stuffed animal but he associates it with "night night" so we do what works around here!)
After school we typically go outside at some point and ride his motorcycle or we go on a bike ride - that is if it isnt 107 degrees at 7:00pm

On Monday was Doug's 29th birthday!! Happy Belated Birthday Post Doug!  I meant to do one on your birthday but it was the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL and I barely got a shower much less sat at the computer.  But we did go out and celebrate as a family of 3 last weekend and are going to dinner tonight with my parents and Kyle and Robin to do a little late celebration.  We went to Red Lobster (had the worst service by the way) but we enjoyed being together and that's all that matters.  Here are a few pictures I took with my iphone (I have others but I havent uploaded them from the camera)

 He didnt want his picture taken -hence the partially open mouth.  This is Doug's favorite dessert, well one of them.  He literally ate the entire thing by himself. 
Me and my lil man.
I actually made Doug and the coaches some goodies Sunday before his b-day while they were working

Then on his actual birthday my wonderful, amazing mom made us dinner and made Doug an Italian Cream Cake.  Anyhow Happy Birthday Doug!

Our first football game was last night.  We lost.  Not fun.  But I got some cute pictures of Chance at the game. 

 This picture was taken right before he dumped the rest of his water on the lady we did not know in front of him.  :(

 This picture is funny because all of them are laughing but not sure at what!
 Chance and sweet Addison.  She is 4 years old but so sweet.  They both were so tired.

 Chance and Brae after the game waiting patiently for their Daddies to come talk to them.
 Happy weekend!  I am loving my Saturday at home with Chance as we destroy the house playing with toys!! :)  When Doug gets home from work us girls are going to get much needed pedicures then dinner with the guys later! 

Saturday, August 20, 2011


This sweet face turned 19 months this past Wednesday.  I have been pretty busy with school starting back and getting my room ready and all the new changes to planning that I havent had time to sit at the computer and post about this little baby boy.  It's hard for me to say he really isnt a baby anymore.  He is a toddler.  In my eyes he still is! :)
A friend of mine gave Chance this train set for his 1st birthday and we havent opened it up til now.  He really liked it! 

Chance you are talking more and more.  Putting statements/sentences together.  One of the funniest things you do is when we ask you what a baby says you say "Momma"  in this really funny voice.  I have no idea where you got this but we tend to ask you it often just cause its so darn cute!  We sing "The Wheels on the Bus" and I have never said that is what babies say.  haha.  You pretty much can tell us what all the animals say.  You can make their sounds and I think you are so smart!  You open and close your mouth for an alligator and put your lips together for a fish.  SOOOO cute!

and for the BIGGEST MILESTONE EVER!!!!  (I am totally knocking on wood to so I dont jinx this) But after what we called The Pearce Sleep Bootcamp this summer you are sleeping through the night!!!  YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Mommy and Daddy are sooooo proud of you Chance!!!  But you know we are because we tell you every night and every morning how proud we are of you!!!  *Now with school starting and his schedule changing we have had a couple of here and there nights where I have had to come reassure you we are just in the next room and you are a big boy.  Mommy sometimes has to stay in there for about 20-30 min. sitting by your bed but I can take that!!!  :)  Mommy still rocks you every night and its her favorite part of the day.  We read, rock and watch a lil TV and sing of course.  LOVE IT!
You now when you want a nap or are ready for bed bring me your little catepillar (stuffed animal) and blanket and say "nite nite".  You do this at Nana's house too.  She thinks it is the sweetest thing. 

 Chance and Daddy eating some Chex mix. 
 "What do you want Mom" look

 You love to drive.  I blame your PoppA for say all day every day "I drive,  I drive" Poppa let you sit in his truck and pretend drive and now for the last 2 months that's all you want to do.  So you have many toys that you can drive.  Motorcycle, buggy car, crazy coupe car that you put real keys in to drive, tricycle with a little trailor - you name it you have it! :)
 But now you want to drive your itty bitty firetruck.  You try so hard to squeeze in the driver's seat. 
 Trying to get his foot inside.  It was so sad but kinda funny.  I had to grab my camera.  He wasnt happy though and didnt understand that he was too big to drive this toy.
 So then he decided to ride it.
Happy 19 Months Chance.  We love you more and more everyday!!  Please stop growing up so fast!! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

One HOT summer

It has been a scorching HOT summer.  That's putting it mildly.  It has been so hot that staying inside is a MUST most days.  It's hard to keep an 18 month old entertained and cooped up in the house all day.  Every morning my mom and I try to walk but even early in the morning it is still too hot.  If we do play outside its in increments of 5 min. here and there.  Chance's lil cheeks get so red within 5 min but he doesnt care one bit.  He would play outside all day if I let him.  Heat or no heat.  Me...I like to be cool.  We spend a lot of time at Nana and Poppa's pool.  Then we take really good naps! :)  But lately we have also watched many episodes of the Backyardigans.  However, Chance only likes certain ones and if its not the one he wants to watch he will whine and give me the remote.  When I start to go through the recordings he will sit back and see if I get the one he wants to watch.  We do this til he is satisfied. ha!  He loves the ones that have some type of animal in them.  Go figure...

 Chance is really into sitting/playing in his bumbo chair. 
Reading a book
 Watching cartoons.  He is such a big boy.  Minus the pacifier. ha
We have found a few ways to entertain Chance with all the heat.  The entertainment only lasts for a short while and he wants to do something else. 
The picture speaks for itself:
Daddy is so funny. :)  Chance laughed and laughed.  Who knew a bumbo would be so much fun!
When its a 111 degrees outside and too hot to go in the pool even we bring the pool toys inside for some fun.  This was all Chance's idea too. 
 Mommy and "Scubba Steve"

 I should totally win the "Cool Mom of the Year" award. ha!

We also go get little treats from DQ - the cherry starkists are the best. 
*he was a mess and so was his carseat.  But he loved it. :)

I recently cleaned out his toy box.  This is what he does...
This past week we went to Toys R Us to see if we could find Chance some new things to play with at Nana's house.  Instead we found these...
 When I tell you this boy is OBSESSED with lawn mowers its no lie... (We were eating dinner with my family the other night and Doug pulled up a video on lawn mowers on utube from his iphone and Chance sat so still and quiet watching it while we waited on our food.)
 I forsee this being a Christmas present from my mom and dad.  We sent a picture to my dad and he said "BUY IT"  It was just $279. ha! 
He loves to drive.  He says all the time now "I wanna drive"  over and over. 
We finally settled on this:
Happy Monday!