Saturday, September 22, 2012

Under Armour Boy

I think Chance looks so cute in his Under Armour shirts his Nana bought him.  I think he looks cute in anything he wears but today I grabbed my camera as he was outside playing. 

 By the time I snapped 5 pictures he was telling me "Enough, Enough Mommy...more later, later"  He says "later" to almost everything he doesnt want to do something.  Tonight he kept telling me "later" when it was time for bath.  He pointed to his feet and said "look my feet are clean, no bath"  I laughed so hard it was so cute!

 This morning he and I went for a run (it took us 30 min to go around the block)...he ran the whole time but we had to stop for cars and eveything he would see along that way that was a distraction.  Then we went to the jumpy place and took good Saturday naps, I went on a run later in the evening while the boys mowed and rode on his tractor.  Tonight we grilled out and now are relaxing watching some Diego. :)  My favorite kind of Saturday. 
 Here he is upset that his Daddy go the wrong golf club. 
 I have to write about this because it was so sweet and sincere.  He has been talking a lot about my grandpa who passed away a few months ago.  When he hears a train he says "train like at Papa's house"  He asks a lot where PaPa is and it is so hard to explain to a 2 year old that someone has gone to heaven to be with Jesus.  Today we heard a train and he said "go to Papa's house" and I said where is Papa, Chance? and he said "Papa is at CiCi's"  I couldnt help but chuckle!  He was so serious.  I wonder if there is a CiCi's pizza in heaven?  :)  We truly miss talking to my grandpa.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about him.  He is so missed.
 Hope everyone had a happy happy Saturday.
I also want to share this link to my best friend's mom's blog.  Ashley's mom linked up with "Show us your singles" from Kelly's Korner blog.  Ashley is one of the most amazing women I know and glad to call her my bestie!!  Her mom couldnt have wrote anything more perfect about Ashley and the woman that she is.  She would truly make an amazing mom and wife one day!!  GO check out her story....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Football Games

*Today was the first day of Chance's school that he did not cry walking in and didnt cry when my mom dropped him off, PRAISE THE GOOD LORD ABOVE! :)*

Around our house we live for Friday's because we have a football game to go too.  This Friday however is our off week and there will not be a game. :( There are 3 little boys, including Chance, that are caoches kids.  They are all 3 and under, Chance is the youngest of the three.  They were messes at the game Friday.  Here are their sweet faces...


 Mason, Chance and Brae - all being silly.  Well my son was for sure!
This past weekend - My husband had this bright idea to wrap Chance like a mummy.  Chance had so much fun with it!

 and played with legos...
 This sign is perfect for the season of our lives.  I need one for baseball season too. ha!
Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

1st day of Mother's Morning Out

Chance started going to a Mother's Morning Out program, we call it school, two weeks ago.  His first day was 9-4-12.  He only goes in the mornings on Tuesday and Thursday's.  Here are a few pictures of his first day.

 He was sooo excited his first day...key word, first day. 
 My mom, his amazing Nana, bought him this cute backpack.  He is so proud of it.  :)
 These are pictures on the way to Nana's.  My mom takes him and picks him up.  I went the first day with him and he did pretty good.  I was so nervous.  I honestly have been very worried about this new process of going and staying with someone else besides his family.  His teacher is amazing!  The amazing Ms. Candi.  She is so sweet and has done so well with Chance. 
 Here he is the first day waiting patiently outside the church.

He has so much fun when he is there.  Ms. Candi said that he tells her "I so excited" all the time.  Here is a picture of him and anothr little girl in the class painting their Owls.  The theme for the year is Owls.  They are the little "hoots". 
They have this rope that each kid gets a ring to hold on to as they go place to place.  Chance is the 4th kiddo and I was shocked he wasnt still on the playground and they would be dragging him in.  He has been so excited about going and playing in the sandbox to build his dinosaur.  Unfortunately they havent let the kids play in the sand.  I dont blame the teachers but this poor little boy was so ready to do that.  :( 
Now, onto the bad part...Chance wakes up every morning, EVERY.MORNING. saying "no school momma, no school, go later"  Well when it comes time for later he is kicking and screaming, not wanting to go.  My poor mom has had to drag him in the door, and Ms. Candi has to pull Chance away from my mom.  Then Nana leaves crying, Chance is crying, I am crying at school with my sweet 8th graders - worried about him.  But every time my mom goes back to get him he has had the best day!!  :)  Ms. Candi has told us he cries for maybe 1-5 min. after Nana leaves but then is so happy the rest of the time.  We are praying for smoothier mornings in the weeks to come. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Our little boy amazes me everyday with what he says and how much he can understand.  I have a note pad on our counter in the kitchen that I have been writing things down as he says them so I could blog about them and have them for him to read one day.  He is napping right now and I couldnt sleep so I decided now's the best time. 

Here are a few things and phrases Chance uses daily:

1) He loves his pajamas.  Love is really an understatement.  I will really have to brib him come Tuesday morning when he starts MDO to put regular clothes on.  He says "wear jawmies momma" A few days this week when I go to wake him up to go to my mom's house he has thrown a major, major fit telling me to go put my "jawmie's" back on, plus he says "your hair momma, put up" (yes, I wore it in a bun on top of my head most of the summer so when I wear it down he flips out and knows I am going somewhere)  - also in the mornings when I turn on the light he yells "too bright, momma, too bright" as he covers his eyes. 
*I cut his hair really was a nightmare...*
2) He is really into me making a pallet on the floor. "Make, pallet mommy...wrap like baby"  Once the blanket is layed out he wants me to swaddle him like a baby.  He is a mess.  A cute mess. 

3) We have a little wooden stool.  He takes drags  it everywhere.  He likes to watch me cook, if he cant reach something he doesnt want you to help him.  He wants to get his stool, "my chair" he says to get what he wants.
4) He says "Reeeealllyy" "really Mommy, really" and he has a head tilt as he says it. 
5) He asks about 10,000 times a day - "Where's daddy" and I will say, You know where he is and he says "daddy coaching"
6) He likes to give hugs.  But says "No sugies"  (no kisses) and only sometimes if you kiss him on his check he will wipe it off to watch your reaction. 
7) Most mornings I will just open his door and let him wake up on his own...but on the weekends we sleep til he wakes up.  He says "Mommy...Mommy" and I will yell "Chance, Chance" and he says "Come get you me" more like "Come getchew me"  It is the sweetest thing...EVER.
8) He holds up his hand and says "Enough" or "Stop Please"
9) "Hold you me" - one of my favorites. or if he does something he will say "Thank you me"
*first week of school wore us both out*
10) He loves to take baths outside.  Meaning...we take the soap and towel outside and give him a bath or so we should say a spray down with the water hose.  Yes, he thinks he is a dog.  But he loves doing this.  This happens at least once a week.  One afternoon I must say I wanted to be sprayed down to it was so hot and it was 7:00pm!
11) The other day he told me something was "delicious"  So clear!  Love his vocabulary!
12) He is so sweet.  If anyone is going somewhere, leaving the house...he will say "Be Careful" "Be Careful, Big Bump"  I dont know where he gets big bump but he is so sincere with telling the people he loves Be Careful.  He will also now if we tell him we love him he will say "Love you too"  I will say how much do I love you and he will stretch his arms really wide and say "more than anything"  Melts.My.Heart.
 Friday was our first football game.  Our favorite QB, Walker, got hurt.  We are praying for a fast recovery.  We lost.  It was hard on us all.  We have/had such high hopes for this season. :(

This was from this morning.  He took out every single toy.  It all started after he dropped his sausage ball in the toy box and we had to go searching for it.  We cant lose a sausage ball, now.  ha!
We got it all picked up.  We sang the clean up song. 

I am so nervous.  Anxious.  You name it.  He starts his little school on Tuesday.  He cant wear his crocs or jawmies.  But we have been talking about wearing our socks and tennis shoes and he seems ok.  He says he is going to build a big dinosaur, T-Rex in the sandbox.  We watch Dino Dan...and at the jumpy place here in town they have a dinosaur area.
Happy Labor Day Weekend!