Thursday, June 24, 2010


I am so behind on blogging. You would think since it is summer I would have all the time in the world to sit down and blog. I think about it but then time gets away from me. Chance is sleeping so I figured what better time than now.

Chance turned 5 months on June 17th
Chance this is what you are up to these days...

You can sit up all on your own. You love playing so much more now. However it is so hard to get you to lay down to take a lil nap now that you are getting more attentive and mobile.

You can sit up in the crawling position. You are such a strong lil boy.
You love the pool. Well...sometimes. You like to be held so you can splash the water in your face. ha! Your grandma has bought you many pool floaties but you would rather be held to play in the water.
You are sleeping better at night. Still waking up at least once! Maybe one day you will sleep through the night! :)

You ride so much better in the car now. You will fall asleep on your own even on lil short trips. It is so nice and peaceful.

You are eating rice cereal and a veggie once everyday. Unless we get too busy.

You have started to notice Stella (your lil doggie sister) more. You will watch her run around and sometimes keeps you from eating you get so distracted.

You are losing your hair - well you were - but I think it is all coming back.

You smile and laugh and talk to us a lot. We love it! There are times in the wee hours of the morning (3 am) you will wake up talking and smiling. It is so cute and your Daddy and I just laugh. So sweet.

You are a snacker. You like about 2-3 oz every 2 hours instead of taking 4-5 oz at a time. Makes for a lot of bottle making.

Your mommy finally stopped pumping (its been such a struggle for mommy the whole time and after infection after infection your mommy decided it was time to stop) Sorry lil man...I know you loved the milk. But your mommy pumped for almost 6 months!

This is Chance and I before we went shopping with Grandma and Aunt Robin yesterday. We have a wedding to go to this weekend so I needed something new to wear! ha!
Today Doug and I have been married 4 years!! Happy Anniversary Doug! I love you! Tonight we are going to dinner and Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Robin are keeping C!

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