Wednesday, April 20, 2011

15 Months Old

Sunday Chance turned 15 months old.  I cant believe that 15 months ago I was in the hospital having this precious little boy.  It's weird...I cant even remember what my life was like before I had Chance.  I often wonder why I couldnt get things done before  and now with a baby, I mean toddler, running around I really cant.  I use to procrastinate with cleaning house, grading papers, working out, you name it I was a last min type girl.  Now I think why was I like that...why couldnt I get more things accomplished.  Because now...its 10 times worse having a toddler pulling at my leg if I try to do dishes or a toddler taking everything out as I put it away...but to be honest I love my new life.  I truly do...its challenging yet rewarding.  Chance brightens my day so much!
Chance this is what you are up to these days:
You are part monkey - you climb on everything.  The table, your crib, the couch, the chairs, the swing outside, mommy and daddy's bed, the stroller (when not being used of course).  You have so much fire for life its so fun to watch - scary at times - but you love doing things on your own.  Mr. Independent!
You wear size 4 diapers.  I think you weigh about 23-24lbs (you go to the dr Friday) You are getting taller too! You wear 12 month pants and 18 month tops.  You are wearing 24 month old pajamas though.  However, your lil waist is so tiny you can still wear some of your 6-9 month old shorts from Children's Place (they tend to run big)
You point at everything wanting to know what it is.  You recently have found the moon (when we are outside at the weeeeee hours of the night watching baseball) and you point at it over and over.
You are obsessed with the word "dawwwg" and saying "ruff ruff" you can say "quack quack" and "vroom vroom" for a car and duck too.

(He loves playing in this duck bathtub.  We got it when he was smaller and he wouldnt even go near it, now it is a fun toy - outside of the bath)
You still do not sleep through the night.  I pretty much have given up on the fact that you ever will.  Routine is not in our vocabulary as far as going to bed at the same time every night.  We have baseball games every Tuesday and Friday and those nights are some of your favorite nights to play but you get so tired that you almost cant sleep.  We take a bath and sing and read books every night but the TIME you go to bed is different. 
You still take 2 naps a day (sometimes 1 nap - just depends)
You have now developed a strong attachment to your paci - needing it mainly when you are tired but then spit it out once you fall asleep.
You entertain us A LOT.  You are so fun to watch and laugh with.  You are just growing up way too fast!

He is just so stinkin cute!
I have many more photos to upload but I am very tired and need to go to bed! 
Happy 15 Months Chance!  We love you!

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