Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brush Your Teeth cha cha cha...

Yesterday Chance turned 8 months old.  Can you believe he is brushing his own teeth!?  (not really - he is just chewing on it!) 
He has 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom all the way in and one more is working its way through on the bottom.  He has been grinding, biting, chewing making noises from his teeth hurting.  I have been giving him teething tablets and tylonel.  Seems to help a lil. 
He was a happy lil fellow this morning after he ate a big bowl of cereal and fruit!
Chance you are 8 months old and this is what you are
-growing like a weed
-love climbing up on everything (furniture, your toys, end tables, stools, bathtub etc)
-giving you a bath is interesting now a love to stand stand stand!
-you are sleeping a lil better (dont want to jinx anything)  However, your dad has talked to a few older women at work that swear their grandchildren sleep through the night due to lavender smells.  So your daddy made me go and get lavender bubble bath, lavender shampoo - the older woman even brought your daddy a bottle of lavender febreeze!!  I think he is telling people you dont like to sleep. haha!! 
-you have 6 teeth already!
- you like to sleep on your tummy
- you love your Nana (she takes very good care of your while your mommy works!)
-you like playing with and watching Stella and sometimes you get a lil rough with her (you are such a lil boy!)
Mommy's tough guy!

We love you so much Chance and thank God everyday for bringing you into our lives 8 months ago!!

Isnt this picture so cute!  Daddy Time after work one night!

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