Thursday, March 31, 2011

Naps and Trucks

My sweet baby is wore out. We were trying to get him not to have his afternoon nap today to see if he would sleep longer at night. We have had some rough nights with waking up twice. I think he is going thru a growth spurt.

He also is in love with trucks and tractors!!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a good weekend. Baseball game Friday, Saturday I did some cleaning and took Chance up to the baseball fields to let his daddy chase him for a little. :) Saturday afternoon we went over to another coaches house where they had a shrimp and crawfish boil. We went to church this morning and gave the nursery another shot. Failure. It breaks my heart too. The first time the nursery didn't write our pager number down to let us know if we needed to gone get Chance and so when we got there he was soooo upset. This time of course there were new faces and I had the lady repeat twice the pager number. Chance was fine and playing when I left. During the sermon the nurse worker came looking for me. Once again they couldn't remember my number and got me and another parents number mixed up. Needless to say they need a better method and Chance was so upset again. We played outside til the service was over. Maybe one day... But right now We all have a bad taste in our mouths about going to the nursery. It's just hard when you are new to a town and new faces especially for a baby.
After that we got groceries and had lunch with my parents, sister and Kyle at cici's. Then Chance and I took a nap, played, and cleaned some more. Doug gave Chance a haircut too! We will save some $$ now. :)
Here are a few pics and a video of Chance practicing his golf swing.
I'll have to upload video later

One of the baseball parents took this picture!

The last two pictures were on my iphone when he was a lil lil baby that I thought were so cute!

Have a good week!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

and it begins...

Tomorrow is the 1st district baseball game. Before I had Chance I would make goody bags for all of Doug's players. I mainly make my homeade sugar cookies and or chocolate chip cookies. His players at our previous school would ask me all week "you making cookies again Mrs. Pearce" with high school baseball there are two district games a week so that makes for some serious baking. With work and Chance running everywhere I am going to do my best to have the players something at least once a week. So tonight I did popcorn. I found this place online that's out of McKinney, TX.
I did cinnamon and dill pickle popcorn! It's so yummy. I hope they all like it. Good Luck tomorrow Doug! Love you! Go Mats!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

iPhone pics

I'm practicing blogging from my iPhone!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

14 months old/Spring Break 2011

This little guy turned 14 months old over spring break. 

He is a very active lil 14 month old and keeps me on my toes at all times.  His love for life is so fun to watch.  He is amazed at the little things in life that make us take a step back and enjoy the small things. 
Chance we love you more than words can say.  You are learning new things everyday.  You could probably go pro in tee ball right now.  You have an amazing swing and hand-eye coordination.  What 14 month old can put a ball on a tee and literally hit it perfectly!?  You love cars and trucks.  You love books and having us read to you.  (A nice surprise considering your mommy and daddy arent fans of books and reading)
You are eating like a champ lately.  You love fruit (oranges and strawberries) and chicken nuggets mostly.  You like yogurt too.  We have let you try many things and you really like it all - lemons, brocoli, bell pepper and you love you some chips - thanks to your daddy.  You can say daddy, momma, dawg (dog), ball - those are your main words you can say "yuck" and "bad bad/no no" and point your finger if you get hurt or are telling your daddy "bad bad" (that's my fault, haha)  but you can point to different things like a cow, duck etc.  When mommy says "you wanna go take a bath" you will run in the bathroom and try to climb in with all clothes on.  You can climb on and off of the couch and chair.  Scares us to death but you have no fear lil boy, no fear.  You find so much joy in doing things on your own - your lil face lights up and you get so excited.  You love to DANCE!  I am telling you what...we have a break it down, full on dancer here at the Pearce house.  We love it!  You did your first summer salt/front roll on March 17th the day you turned 14 months.  We all yelled YEAH and you clapped and smiled.  You only did it once though.  :) 
You are getting so tall and growing so much.  I think you weigh about 24 lbs now.  Your daddy will weigh and then weigh with you and that's where we get that you weigh about 24 lbs.
We dont rock so much at night anymore we just lay together on the couch and I will hold you and sing "Jesus Loves Me" and you fall asleep.  My favorite moment of the entire day.  :)  You are so hot natured.  You hate covers.  You will immediately kick them off of you.  You are just like your daddy in that aspect.  You are so sweet at times and can be such a lil boy at times.  You like to hit everything with your drum stick, golf clubs, bats.  I blame that on your daddy too. haha.  Your smile lights up my life so much Chance.  Goodness gracious you are so special to us and we are so blessed and thankful that God put you in our lives 14 months ago.

Spring Break 2011
Baseball games, Visited Friends and Family, My grandpa's 85th Birthday

I caught him throwing the ball with my new IPHONE
Drinking Mommy's Drink
Here if you look close he is saying "mmmmm"
I literally chase Chance the whole time at the baseball games - EXCEPT when Grandpa comes.  Thank you Dad for keeping Chance entertained! 

Nana blows bubbles and lets Chance pop them.  He loves it.

We went to San Angelo for a few days to visit our good friends Travis and Courtney and their new addition, Sutton Dean
While there we went to a local park and played. 
I think I had more fun than Chance did. haha
Friday Night we went to a place called "The Grille" and had some really good food. (Chance was well behaved then the beast came out towards the end of the meal. haha)\

Travis and Courtney
With their new little one, Sutton
He is such a good little baby.  :) 
Both babies looking the opposite way
My POPS 85th birthday
On the way back from San Angelo Saturday we stopped in Brownwood to have lunch with this special man.  My family met us there too. 
My mom and her dad
The girls and the birthday boy!
and this last picture is of Uncle Dragon and C man...They love each other!
I am so so so so sad about going back to school tomorrow.  This spring break has been such a good refresher and special time with my family.  I will be sad not getting to spend each day all day with Chance.  I have a lot of grading to do today and unpacking.  No fun. 
Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Tonight we celebrated Kyle's birthday!  We went to this new restaurant called Longhorn steakhouse.  It was yummy!
Chance really hates the camera.  He is all smiles until you want to take a picture. 

But he loves cell phones!  (I finally got an iphone this weekend and love it - one reason I am so behind on blogging)

Birthday boy and his beautiful fiance (my sister)

my wonderful parents!

Chance LOVES playing with rocks.  He is such a lil boy and I love him to pieces!
We are enjoying Spring Break so much. I love being able to wake up in the mornings and spend all day with my lil man.  He is so funny and changing and saying new things everyday.  Tomorrow we have an afternoon baseball game to go too.  So fun!
Night night!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Lil Buddy

I truly love my afternoons at home with C man.  He is my lil buddy.  We do so many things together and I cherish those moments so much.  Weather permitting we go for a run when I get home from school.  I can now say are you ready to go running and he will run to the BOB stroller.  Sometimes when we get through running and I take him out of the BOB and we have to go inside this is what I get...
But not this afternoon...he was all smiles.  (if you can see in the photo he is holding a BBQ pit utensil that he LOVES to carry around the house and outside - silly kid)
Yesterday I couldnt hear my lil buddy and so I went looking for him.  He had gone in the front room pulled off the pillows and used them to stand on to climb on the couch.  Smart lil boy.  Here is him today...

I know I say this all the time but I adore this lil boy more than words can say.  I love him being my lil buddy and that he goes everywhere with me and we do everything together. :)