Sunday, September 2, 2012


Our little boy amazes me everyday with what he says and how much he can understand.  I have a note pad on our counter in the kitchen that I have been writing things down as he says them so I could blog about them and have them for him to read one day.  He is napping right now and I couldnt sleep so I decided now's the best time. 

Here are a few things and phrases Chance uses daily:

1) He loves his pajamas.  Love is really an understatement.  I will really have to brib him come Tuesday morning when he starts MDO to put regular clothes on.  He says "wear jawmies momma" A few days this week when I go to wake him up to go to my mom's house he has thrown a major, major fit telling me to go put my "jawmie's" back on, plus he says "your hair momma, put up" (yes, I wore it in a bun on top of my head most of the summer so when I wear it down he flips out and knows I am going somewhere)  - also in the mornings when I turn on the light he yells "too bright, momma, too bright" as he covers his eyes. 
*I cut his hair really was a nightmare...*
2) He is really into me making a pallet on the floor. "Make, pallet mommy...wrap like baby"  Once the blanket is layed out he wants me to swaddle him like a baby.  He is a mess.  A cute mess. 

3) We have a little wooden stool.  He takes drags  it everywhere.  He likes to watch me cook, if he cant reach something he doesnt want you to help him.  He wants to get his stool, "my chair" he says to get what he wants.
4) He says "Reeeealllyy" "really Mommy, really" and he has a head tilt as he says it. 
5) He asks about 10,000 times a day - "Where's daddy" and I will say, You know where he is and he says "daddy coaching"
6) He likes to give hugs.  But says "No sugies"  (no kisses) and only sometimes if you kiss him on his check he will wipe it off to watch your reaction. 
7) Most mornings I will just open his door and let him wake up on his own...but on the weekends we sleep til he wakes up.  He says "Mommy...Mommy" and I will yell "Chance, Chance" and he says "Come get you me" more like "Come getchew me"  It is the sweetest thing...EVER.
8) He holds up his hand and says "Enough" or "Stop Please"
9) "Hold you me" - one of my favorites. or if he does something he will say "Thank you me"
*first week of school wore us both out*
10) He loves to take baths outside.  Meaning...we take the soap and towel outside and give him a bath or so we should say a spray down with the water hose.  Yes, he thinks he is a dog.  But he loves doing this.  This happens at least once a week.  One afternoon I must say I wanted to be sprayed down to it was so hot and it was 7:00pm!
11) The other day he told me something was "delicious"  So clear!  Love his vocabulary!
12) He is so sweet.  If anyone is going somewhere, leaving the house...he will say "Be Careful" "Be Careful, Big Bump"  I dont know where he gets big bump but he is so sincere with telling the people he loves Be Careful.  He will also now if we tell him we love him he will say "Love you too"  I will say how much do I love you and he will stretch his arms really wide and say "more than anything"  Melts.My.Heart.
 Friday was our first football game.  Our favorite QB, Walker, got hurt.  We are praying for a fast recovery.  We lost.  It was hard on us all.  We have/had such high hopes for this season. :(

This was from this morning.  He took out every single toy.  It all started after he dropped his sausage ball in the toy box and we had to go searching for it.  We cant lose a sausage ball, now.  ha!
We got it all picked up.  We sang the clean up song. 

I am so nervous.  Anxious.  You name it.  He starts his little school on Tuesday.  He cant wear his crocs or jawmies.  But we have been talking about wearing our socks and tennis shoes and he seems ok.  He says he is going to build a big dinosaur, T-Rex in the sandbox.  We watch Dino Dan...and at the jumpy place here in town they have a dinosaur area.
Happy Labor Day Weekend!

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