Friday, April 23, 2010

The Big News

Today was the day Doug and I broke the news to our friends, co-workers, administrators etc. that we are moving. It was an emotional day because I love the people I work with and my principal, Mr. Garcia, is the best principal anyone could ask for. He has been so good to Doug and I over the last 4 years. He called us in his office this afternoon and we broke the news (well he kind of already knew) that we were moving to Seguin. Doug is going to be coaching with my dad now and my mom is going to keep Chance next year as she is retiring. We are so excited and sad at the same time. Mr. Garcia and I cried as we told each other how special each other was to the other and he told Doug how proud he was of him and all he has done for Connally baseball. He was extremely supportive and told us that if we ever needed a job he would hire us in a heartbeat again and that the people who come and take our places will have a huge role to fill. Of course I cried all the more... he has always had my back in everything and he knows the importance of family. Needless to say we have made good friends that will forever be friends here.
Now to the one thing that is keeping us here at the time is our HOUSE SELLING. I blogged last week that we need your prayers. It's a long story but the market right now for sellers is not good. We are so stressed about it. Pray that God has a hand in this and everything will work out. We have to thank him each day for the blessing he has brought us with being able to go and be close to family and Doug getting to coach with my dad and my mom being able to keep Chance next year when I am at work is so wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Raina... I am so sad that you are going to be leaving us. You truly are a bright spot in my days as we stand in the hall delaying going into class and laughing at the crazy characters we teach. Your great smile, fabulous wardrobe, and love for people will never be replaced but missed deeply. I am praying for you and Doug in this new endeavor.I know that God has been planning this transition for a long time and that He has everything lined up perfectly. I am confident that God has the kinks all worked out and He'll let yall in on it in His due time. I love you girl and you are forever in my thoughts and prayers.
