Friday, January 15, 2010

Tomorrow is the Day...Update

Tomorrow is the day, well the due date. Last night we thought it was contractions were about 12 min. apart however they have tapered off today. Meaning I havent had many. Maybe this weekend things will progress or Chance knows that Daddy is away today and he needs to wait til he is in town. My baby boy is so smart already. :) I spoke with my dr. this morning and he said not to come to the hospital unless my contractions are 5 min. apart for an hour and leaving me speechless and unable to walk, oh doesnt that sound fun!

I am going after school to have dinner with Amanda and then home to do some laundry and wait on my baby boy to make his arrival. Stay tuned...

oh and our computer is still with the geek squad at Best Buy...apparently when they said 3-5 days we didnt read the fine print that says they hope to have it done in 3-5 days. Needless to say if this pregnant lady has to go in and talk to them I will. Geez...we need our computer!

1 comment:

  1. So I saw Doug's live feed yesterday about you having your little boy (Dustin saw Doug at the coaching clinic and told me that) and then I saw that you had a blog!! Now I can look at that baby!! I can't wait to see him!! Congratulations Raina
    Blogging with a child is the best can also upload it into a book!
